caillou's new babysitter

caillou's new babysitter

2014-07-28    02'03''

主播: 小小孩电台

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Caillou's New Babysitter Storyteller: Just look at Caillou. He's all dressed up. Let's see what's going on. This story is called "Caillou's New Babysitter". Caillou's Mommy and Daddy were going out for a special dinner. Caillou: I wanna go with you. Mommy: Caillou, it's our anniversary. That's a special day for Mommy and Daddy. Daddy: But we have something special for you and Rosie too, a brand new babysitter. Isn't that nice? Caillou: I don't want a new babysitter. Daddy: That must be Julie now. I'll go and let her in. Caillou: I don't like Julie. Storyteller: Julie was a new babysitter. Caillou wanted his regular babysitter. So he made up his mind he wasn't going to like Julie at all. Julie: Hi, Caillou. I'm Julie. Daddy: Just press this button. Rosie: Bye bye. Julie: Doesn't your Mommy look pretty in her dress? And doesn't your Daddy look smart in his tuxedo? Let's wave goodbye. Storyteller: Later that evening it was supper time. Caillou: I don't want any supper. Rosie: I don't want any supper, too. Julie: Caillou, you have to eat your supper. Caillou: You can't make me. Julie: I have an idea. Your Mommy and Daddy are going out for a special anniversary supper. So why don't we do the same? Storyteller: Even though Caillou had decided he wouldn't like Julie, he was curious about this idea. Julie: Come on, then, what are we waiting for? Now you look just as handsome as your Daddy. Caillou: Do I, really? Julie: You bet. Storyteller: Caillou discovered he was starting to like Julie. Julie: Now let's go and make Rosie look as nice as your Mommy. Caillou: Gilbert. Julie: Hold it. Storyteller: Caillou liked Julie's dressing up game. But he still didn't care very much for salad. Julie: Come on, Caillou. You have to eat. Caillou: I don't want any supper. Rosie: I don't want any supper, too. Julie: Well, if you didn't want supper, why don't we have breakfast instead? Caillou: How can we have breakfast? It's supper time. Julie: It's easy. From now on, everything's gonna be the opposite way around. You'll see. Mommy: Hi, Caillou. Hi, Julie. Did you all have as much fun as we did? Rosie: We had breakfast. Mommy: Really? But what about your supper? Julie: I think they could have their supper tomorrow, if that's all right. Daddy: I'm sure that'll be fine, Julie. And now, if you're ready, I'll take you home. Caillou: No, Daddy. No. Storyteller: Caillou had been having so much fun with his new babysitter, he didn't want her to leave. Julie: Don't worry, Caillou. I promise I'll come back and see you very soon.