

2015-02-03    02'01''

主播: 罗伯特说单词

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正确原文: We’re going to start out discussion of poetry in Western Europe with The Iliad and The Odyssey. These two great poems stand out as great examples of the earliest European poems. They are believed to have been written some time between 800 BC and 700 BC, partly because the poems refer to the social conditions of that time, conditions that have been validated by the findings of archeologists. But just who was the poet who laid down these cornerstones of western literature? Well, tradition ascribes them to a man named Homer, but we know virtually nothing about this Homer. In fact, some say that such a poet never existed at all, that neither the Iliad nor the Odyssey was written by a single poet, but rather, each poem is composed of the writing of several people. This, anyway, was the view of a school of literary critics in the 18th century known as the Analysts. The Analysts pointed to internal evidence such as variations in the literary devices used in the poem to argue that each work was in fact a collection of several poems by several Greek authors. Opposing the Analysts were a second group of scholars called the Unitarian. They insisted that the Iliad and the Odyssey could well have been the work of single poetic genius. To support their argument, they stressed among other things, the consistency of the characters portrayed in the poetry. This wouldn’t have been possible, they said, if they were written by many different stories. Now how we look at the Homeric question today has been greatly influenced by someone named Milman Parry, an American scholar who first presented his ideas about Homer in the 1930s. So let’s take a look at Parry’s research and how it affects what modern-day scholars think about Homer. 生词摘录: 1.The Iliad: 《伊利亚特》(古希腊描写特洛伊战争的英雄史诗, 相传为荷马所作) 2.The Odyssey: 《奥德赛》 3.validate: v. 使…有效,确认 4.finding: n. (一般用复数)研究(调查)的结果;发现 5.archeologist: n. 考古学家(也可写成archaeologist) 6.cornerstone: n. 基石 7.ascribe: v. 归因于,归咎于 8.Homer: 荷马(约前9世纪─前8世纪),相传为古希腊的游吟诗人,生于小亚细亚,失明,创作了史诗《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》,两者统称《荷马史诗》。目前没有确切证据证明荷马的存在,所以也有人认为他是传说中被构造出来的人物。而关于《荷马史诗》,大多数学者认为是当时经过几个世纪口头流传的诗作的结晶。 9.literary critic: 文学评论家 10.Analyst: 分析家 11.variation: n. 变化,变动 12.Unitarian: 一位论派 13.consistency: n. 一致性 14.Milman Parry: 米尔曼·帕里 15.modern-day: adj. 当代的,当前的 背景补充: 《伊利亚特》(The Iliad)和《奥德赛》(The Odyssey),相传为荷马所作两部希腊史诗。一般认为《伊利亚特》写作的年代是公元前九世纪或更早。《奥德赛》创作的时间稍晚一些。它们是古希腊文学中最杰出的作品。就其在世界范围内的影响来说,只有圣经和莎士比亚的作品可以与之媲美。 《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》,以部分或整体的形式,被希腊人在各种节日里朗诵。这两本书被当成早期历史和宗教学说里所有问题的终审法庭。所有受过教育的人都学过这些诗。每部史诗包括二十四卷。《伊利亚特》的名字源于伊利亚姆(Ilium),或特洛伊;《奥德赛》的名字源于奥德修斯,或尤利西斯。 正是由于对史诗中历史真实性的深信不疑,海因里希·施里曼才于19世纪70年代发现了特洛伊城的遗址,并对迈锡尼(希腊国王阿伽门农所在的城市)遗址进行探究。曾被大多数学者认为是传说的事物,其真实性得到了部分证实。1939年C·W·布莱根发现了古希腊国王内斯特的城邦裴罗斯,这一点更加证实了荷马所写的是自己听到的历史事实。考古学家们认为特洛伊战争发生于公元前1194-1184年,在多里安人入侵前,这是希腊迈锡尼人的最后一项丰功伟绩。 《伊利亚特》 这首诗讲述了特洛伊战争最后一年里的49天内所发生的一些事。主要内容是,希腊首领阿伽门农从阿喀琉斯那里抢走了美女俘虏布里塞伊斯,使阿喀琉斯勃然大怒,愤然退出战场,回到自己的营帐。缺少了他,希腊军队节节败退。 最终,他最好的朋友帕特罗克勒斯借了阿喀琉斯的装备加入战争,被特洛伊首领赫克托耳杀害。为了给朋友报仇,阿喀琉斯重回战场,杀死了赫克托耳并把他的尸体拖在战车后围着特洛伊城转了三圈。赫克托耳的父亲特洛伊国王普里阿摩斯请求归还儿子的遗体,阿喀琉斯同意了。史诗最后一卷讲述了赫克托耳的葬礼和遗体火化。 《奥德赛》 讲述了特洛伊城沦陷以后,奥德修斯返回故乡伊萨卡岛的十年流浪经历。《奥德赛》在风格上比《伊利亚特》更富于浪漫和传奇。 诗篇以天神们的一次会议开头。女神雅典娜抱怨说奥德修斯花了十年时间返乡,故乡伊萨卡岛离他依然那么遥远。天神宙斯于是同意让她帮助奥德修斯。 海神波塞冬对此很生气,因为奥德修斯弄瞎了他儿子波吕斐摩斯(独眼巨人)的眼睛。他让奥德修斯在离开卡里普索岛之后不久就遭遇海难,奥德修斯因此被困在岛上七年。又经历了千辛万苦后,奥德修斯才回到故乡伊萨卡岛,但他发现妻子珀涅罗珀被一帮求婚者包围。女神雅典娜把奥德修斯装扮成乞丐。 珀涅罗珀对求婚者许诺,谁能用奥德修斯的弓箭射中十二把斧头的穿孔她就嫁给谁。一些人尝试了,但是连弓都