【文稿】英语词汇小百科:有关iPhone 6的种种(社区也能看文稿啦)

【文稿】英语词汇小百科:有关iPhone 6的种种(社区也能看文稿啦)

2014-09-13    04'46''

主播: FM49830

37828 2200

Xiaohua: Hello and welcome to Roundtable’s Word of the Week. This week we are gonna talk about some words and phrases that are related to Apple’s new product release. John: Yeah. That’s right. So they recently released or at least announced the release are the creation of iPhone 6, 6 plus and the Apple Watch. We're gonna take a look at some of the words and phrases that were used in the product announcements. So the first one we wanna take a look at is NFC, or Near Field Communication Xiaohua: 中文是:近距离无线通讯技术,也叫近场通讯。 John: Right. So NFC is basically just a standard for 2 electronic devices, a smart phone, a watch and anything else really, to be able to communicate, but only over very short distances. Xiaohua: 简单来说就是在,近的距离之间,在两种电子设备间进行的电子s通信。 John: Yeah. And the thing is about NFC again, there is a big difference that and RFID, which has been used in other types of technologies. No.1. RFID usually works over longer distances whereas NFC is only centimeters. And also interestingly enough, RFID only really allows for one way communication. So from a smart phone device to a payment platform, whereas this way, both the smart phone and the payment platform or the payment hardware can actually communicate directly with each other. So it’s two-way communication. Xiaohua: RFID, 又叫做Radio Frequency Identification. 中文是应用无线射频技术。RFID和NFC的区别一是,RFID可以允许更远距离的传输; 另外一点就是RFID之能允许单向传输,而NFC是双向的。 John: Exactly, one of the other words that was used, kind of related to NFC actually in the product announcement, was Contactless Payment. Contactless Payment is basically just using NFC or Near Field Communication to make payments. Xiaohua: Contactless Payment, 免接触支付 John: And also again, a lot of these have to do with, not just the iPhone because they did introduce the Contactless Payment, also for the Apple Watch. And what is interesting about the Apple Watch is that, normally when you charging an electronic device, these days its usually with a mini USB so you plug it in to a computer, or an adapter and plug that into the device. Whereas what you will notice on the Apple Watch, there is nowhere to plug anything in. So how is it going to be charged? It was going to be charged through inductive charging. Xiaohua:说到Apple的另外那款Apple Watch的新产品,就要提到无线充电,inductive charging. John: It’s basically wireless charging. This technology has been around for years, but it sees very few consumer applications. Mostly because the cost does not justify the actual production, but what we see with a device as small as the Apple Watch, inductive charging just makes so much sense. All you have to do is put it on to a specially designed plate, leave it there for a minute to a couple hours and it will be fully charged. Xiaohua: 无线充电或者感应充电的技术其实已经存在好几年了,但是像Apple Watch这样的轻巧的装置使用无线充电技术就是非常便捷的了。 John: And one of the last words we are going to look at today. This is actually a word has been around for quite a while, but it’s come up again with the release of the iPhone 6 Plus. Remember, there is the iPhone 6 which is bigger, 4.7 inches, iPhone 6 Plus which even bigger, about 5.5. So Apple has moved to the round of the phablet. Xiaohua: 最后一个要提到的词就是phablet,这个词可能大家都很熟悉,就是平板手机。Apple 也开始赶phablet的潮流,出大屏的平板手机了。 John: While it is a bit of a created word, phablets, in general, usually have screens that measure between 5.01 to 6.9 inches, about 130 to 180mm. That’s, of course, diagonally. All screens whether we're talking about, TVs, computers, tablets, watches even, now is measured diagonally. And we can see that with 5.5 inches, iPhone 6 Plus is firmly now in the phablet category. Xiaohua: Phablet是用来称呼5英寸到6.9英寸屏幕的这种触屏移动设备的。这里的英寸是测量了对角线的距离的。 所以5.5英寸的iPhone 6 Plus 也就是一个标准的平板手机了。And that’s all we have for Roundtable’s Word of the Week.