

2015-01-28    21'49''

主播: FM49830

41647 1323

Animals are more than the cute cat and dog pictures we see online, or the pandas and monkeys we see in zoos. There&`&re many things about animals, especially wildlife&`&s situation that we don&`&t know. For one, China is the world&`&s largest market for illegal wild animal products such as tiger bones and elephant trunks. To give us a better understanding of the situation and the need for us to take actions protecting wild animals, we have Grace Ge, or Ge Rui, Asia Regional Director of IFAW, or International Fund for Animal Welfare, in our studio. 你知道吗,中国是世界上最大的野生动物消费市场。包括象牙、犀牛角、虎骨等在内的各种野生动物制品在中国依然有着巨大的市场。 国际爱护动物基金会(International Fund for Animal Welfare,简称“IFAW”)的亚洲地区总代表葛芮说:“非法猎杀和象牙贸易在过去的3、4年内夺去了超过10万头非洲大象的生命,盲目的象牙消费正在将这个地球上最大的也是最古老的物种赶尽杀绝。”