

2015-03-03    11'30''

主播: FM49830

25140 1750

When there is a family gathering in China and there are small kids present, one type of entertainment will happen almost for sure—teasing the kids. Many adults think it’s fun when the teased kids cry or freak out. But is the fun really harmless? 春节期间亲朋好友聚到一起时,经常可以看到大人逗孩子。他们把孩子逗得出错或者惊慌、害怕甚至哭泣,大人们便笑了。很多中国人觉得逗孩子很正常并且乐在其中,但是逗孩子真的没有问题吗? Is it ok that Chinese adults like to tease small kids? What’s teasing?