Heyang: Hello and welcome to RoundTable’s Word of the Week.
John: This week we are looking at some words and phrases related to love because this weekend you may or may not know is White Valentine’s Day. As an American, I had no idea this existed until I came to China.
Heyang: White Valentine’s Day gives girls particularly a chance to reciprocate the love and gestures that the guys have expressed during Valentine’s Day a month ago, so I think it’s quite a special day, plus it’s just another day to celebrate love.
John: Let’s take a look at some phrases first. “To have a crush on (someone)” basically just means to have a very, very strong and irrational feelings for someone.
Heyang: 表示爱慕之情。
John: So, “He (she) has a crush on her (him).” So Heyang, who do you have a crush on?
Heyang: Not you.
John: And the next one “to feel an instant magnetism”. “He felt an instant magnetism when their eyes first met.” Right so, “magnets” are attractive to each other so “feel an magnetism” that means you are attracted to someone.
Heyang: 就是你感觉到跟另外一个人好像有一种磁铁一般的吸引力。
John: Then “to catch one’s eye”. “A nice-looking girl caught his eye.” It really means to pay attention to someone, become aware of someone.
Heyang: 这个说的就是当一个人被另外一个人的外表所吸引住了目光。
John: Yes, for example, I mean I think it’s a good point, it’s not necessarily only about people, it can be used with things as well, like for example “Heyang was in London going window-shopping and the purse caught her eye.”
Heyang: 我们可以把范围扩大到物件,比如说你对物品有一种衷心喜爱的感觉,一下子也抓住了你的目光。
John: And then there is “to hit it off”. “He was introduced to a pretty woman and they seem to hit it off immediately.” So basically is to get along with very well.
Heyang: So it doesn’t really have any sexual connotations.
John: No, not necessarily.
Heyang: 这个说的就是两个人一见钟情,一下子就很合得来。
John: Your can say that someone is hitting on someone, really that means he’s very interested in talking to her and maybe hopefully taking the relationship a little bit further. And the next one “to have the hots for (someone)” “When he met her, he had the hots for her.” Basically it means to be in lust or to be sexual attracted to someone.
Heyang: 下面给大家介绍的这个词,就是对这个人爱慕不已,浑身发热。
John: Whatever that means. Moving on. “To be attracted to each other”- “They were attracted to each other the moment their eyes met.” So we talked about this kind of implicitly you know about magnetism. “To be attracted to someone” is to be interested, to have feelings for them, to want to know them more.
Heyang: But this is a pretty mild term.
John: It’s very mild, yes.
Heyang: 就是一个人对另外一个人产生了兴趣,是一个比较日常的说法。
John: And a good example is you know Heyang is not attracted to me.
Heyang: Yeah, that’s a very good example.
John: That’s a very good example.
Heyang: And stop using me as examples.
John: No. And then once more we would take a look at “catch”, so for example “He is the man for whom she feels no attraction, catch or no catch.” “Catch” is basically someone who is highly desired, right? If you look at very objectively the pros and cons of this person, the person has very strong pros, not very many cons.
Heyang: You can also say that “someone is a catch” meaning that person is a keeper. 就是说是一个理想的对象。
John: Alright, so for some of you out there, it can be a little bit difficult to express how your feeling about your special someone, the loved one, closest to you on this White Valentine’s Day, so we give you some pointers some examples about open your mouth and say you care. So here’s one- “Words will never be enough to describe how much I love you and what you mean to me.”
Heyang: 语言无法表达我对你的爱。Wow, that’s really strong. 我们现在给大家列举几个表白的大绝招,你可以记下来哟。
John: Then “I couldn't even imagine having anything more than you. You're my best friend. You're everything to me. Obviously I don't want anything else. I just want you.”
Heyang: That’s too much, even if we’re just like trying to act this out in this studio. 这就是充分地表达这个人是你唯一爱慕的人, 而且他还是你最好的朋友,你无法生活中没有他。
John: Yeah, I think a lot of these you might actually find in movies but it can give you the idea the inspirations. Another one “So many times I thought I would never find someone to love me the way I needed to be loved. Then you came into my life and showed me what love really is.”
Heyang: Wow, that’s kind of moving.
John: It is.
Heyang: 因为另外一个人而让你认识到爱情的形状,还是很感人的。
John: And then some beginnings of sentences you can fill in on your own. “I love that you ...” and you say something about you know a characteristic a quality they have you really like. Or “I admire you for ...” again you can fill it in with things that you like about that person.
Heyang: And also “You are the reason that I do something”, or you know, “Your are the reason that I woke up this morning.” or something.
John: Or “Your are the inspiration, which is actually a great song.”
Heyang: That’s all the time we have for this week’s RoundTable’s Word of the Week, you’ll see you next week.