

2015-03-24    09'43''

主播: FM49830

20842 1311

Animal reality show starts debate on animal rights China's first animal reality show, titled Wonderful Friends, has sparked debate over whether appearing on television puts zoo animals in distress. The debate over animal protection was fueled after the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums, an international organization with 300 zoos and aquariums from 50 countries, requested an immediate discontinuation of the program early last week. 湖南卫视的动物真人秀《奇妙的朋友》自播出以来陆续遭到了各种动物保护组织和动保人士的抵制和抗议,要求其停播。但面对质疑,湖南卫视方面并没有停播节目的打算,坚称全部拍摄合法。 What seems to be the problem, and is there one?