

2015-04-01    04'55''

主播: FM49830

30843 2275

Xiaohua: It has long been a mystery to men why so many women enjoy watching tear jerker movies with their friends. But now scientists have come up with a suggestion –sharing sad emotions helps women bond. 女人似乎天生喜欢看催泪电影,尤其是和闺蜜一起边看边哭成一团。而最新研究显示,和朋友分享这些悲情片,有助于减少这些影片对她们情绪上的负面影响。Is this true, what the scientists are saying? Heyang: The scientists are, well, this is the only one study, right? And this is from Cardiff University and they looked at 30 pairs of female friends, so only targeting female. We don’t know what the man’s response is, so bear that in mind, so they looked at these 30 pairs of female friends and showed them these happy images and negative images, then see what kind of response they get from it. And it seems like when you’re with someone, the happy images seem happier to you and then the negative ones don’t seem so sad either, so it’s good experience over all. So it’s about sharing and bonding. John: Well, I mean, it makes sense. I’m not sure if you guys ever experienced it, but certainly it happened to me where you know watching a funny movie or funny TV show maybe someone recommended to me and I’m watching it. That’s funny but I don’t really laugh, maybe I can give a little chuckle or something like that. And then I can what the exactly same movie, exactly same episode but sitting with someone and I’ll think something is funny and I’ll actually laugh. This just goes to show that you never forget fundamentally human are social animals. We exist as we exist in a group. We are not like cat or anything that as soon as we were born we just kinda go off on our own, we’re more like dogs in that sense, where we need other people around us for various reasons. So this idea that being with someone makes the happier moments happier and the bad moments not as bad just make complete sense. But I think that in general when we look at gender or sex differences between men and women and how they bond, men usually bond over activity and women usually bond over emotion or communication. Heyang: Yeah, that actually not all that... John: Not all that untrue. Heyang: Yeah, I’m just trying to figure out what it’s like with men and women, I think men need communication, too. John: It’s different, I mean, why do you see so many men playing football all the time, like they have good friends but the only time they ever see them when they play football together or just right after the football match or something like that. Heyang: What about all the beer drinking and watching sports? John: Oh, beer and watching sports are activities. Heyang: But it’s about communication, isn’t it? John: It’s different. Heyang: I’ll not argue against that. We’re different. And I think with ladies, it’s not just watching a weepy movie also like shopping and talking about girls’ stuff. I think men and women have different ways to relax and communicate. John: It’s interesting too because I had the kids to myself this weekend and I ended up going to a restaurant, a fairly new open foreign restaurant in San Li Tun. It’s an international restaurant and they have many chains around the world. And I went in there and I was struck by number one there were no other foreigner besides myself; number two, most the other customers were women in groups. So maybe there might have been a boyfriend or girlfriend, but most of the customers are two or more women together eating and talking. I found that fascinating, suddenly something kind of clicked, Oh, this is why I see some of the advertisements targeting women, oh, this is why I see so many restaurant and coupon things targeting women because this is how women bond. They go out together, they walk around in a mall together, they window shop together, they have lunch together, and they’re just talking and sharing the entire time. Heyang: And also I think in recent years, this is only my own observation but I think in the media, there seems to be more and more of this girl-group-power kind of advertising since Sex and the City, sudden female friendship is so important in China .I think you know that has something to do with all of this, maybe it’s following your own call but I don’t know. Xiaohua: That’s true. And Draco says maybe that explains why the situation comedies insert the canned laughter background because they let you feel you’re laughing with someone.