

2015-04-28    04'10''

主播: FM49830

22867 1886

Xiaohua: Can't understand why he moans when you're shopping? Well according to a new infographic, women go through a staggering ten steps before they make a purchase. 女人在买东西前犹豫不决是出了名的,但是研究显示,女性在掏钱之前最多要经历10个步骤,其中包括翻看时尚杂志、在购物网站货比三家、以及把试衣间里的自拍照发给朋友看。 For modern women the quest for the perfect outfit requires meticulous planning that can take almost 40 hours to complete, according to a new study. Is this true? Heyang: I think there is a degree of truth in the ten steps. I would be surprised if any of us, I’m talking about,well, just the ladies for the moment, that you can miss all ten or any of them. I...I would be really surprised. But I think it is sort of necessary these days. In the old days, you probably find someone to give you their opinion on an outfit, but nowadays you’ve got so many other ways to do so. John: Well...also I think the definition of shopping has changed a little bit. If you look at some of the ten steps, they don’t necessarily involve going to the store anymore, which means that, you know, your husband or boyfriend may not be moaning as much because so you are gonna be looking magazines, or shopping online and comparing prices, and thankfully we don’t have to get involved with that, you know, we can be playing video games or watching TV, or doing something a little bit more productive. So that is an important point to notice. But basically if we just go through really quickly. So..so, it’s just, you know, looking through celebrity magazines, going online stores to see how much they are, sending links to friends to get an opinion, post photos on social networks to get wider audience, share on Instergram to make sure all of their friends have seen it, send the links to mum or other close relatives, make special trip to the store to try it on, take a fitting room selfie and send the selfie to friends, boyfriend or partner, and then the last step, 71 percent, according to the survey, make the purchase there and then, a third head back home again to complete the process by ordering it online. Xiaohua: Yeah, I think more or less we’ve all gone through a couple of steps, but I think it’s very hard for one person to go through all ten steps before making one simple purchase. That is a little bit too much. John: I wouldn’t be surprised if there are people out there who do follow all ten. Xiaohua: Really? Heyang: I think for these people they are either too decisive or they are just obsessed with the shopping experience, some people are just into that. I’m not one of those people...John, you’re giving me the look. John: Says someone who only spends three hours shopping? Heyang: Yeah, three hours tops, if you go over that limit... John: ...You still take that statement seriously? Only three hours, that’s way too long, Heyang. Xiaohua: It’s not too long, I can take longer than that. Heyang: That’s exactly why I will never shop with a straight guy. And, yeah exactly, John you’re having a great time, I’m so glad. John: ...So you will shop with a homosexual guy, right? Heyang: Well, you know, the gay best friend is a girl’s best gift, I suppose. But I mean what these ladies...they seem to really rely on the third person’s opinion a lot and that sometimes is a little bit not good. John: ...But why have a shopping buddy if you don’t want a second opinion, right? Heyang: Yeah, you can go alone, but some people are not as weird as I am. I suppose I like to go in there, get my stuff done, and I won’t... John: And it still takes you three hours... Heyang: Well, I usually have a list. Xiaohua: But the worst part of it is after all the consultation, half of the women end up making choices that they don’t like. Heyang: Maybe they rely too much on the third party’s opinion. John: It’s called overthinking... Xiaohua: Yeah.