

2015-07-29    05'44''

主播: FM49830

33369 1586

A Chinese couple was infuriated after they received their pre-wedding photos taken in Bali which cost them nearly thirty thousand yuan, as friends and netizens say the photos look tacky and the backdrop is nothing like Bali. 即将成婚的一对四川情侣在一家婚纱摄影处交纳了28999元,选择去巴厘岛拍婚纱。照片拿到后,发现各种乱花丛、石头、野草、黄土…还有一头牛! So did you take a look at the photos? Were they as bad as people say they are? Mark:I’ve seen them. It made me laugh. Some one of them’s taken… I mean Bali is renowned for its beautiful beaches, but this beach scene kind of look like mud to me. Very unattractive. In one of photos, you can see a herd of cows in the background. For me, the thing is if I pay (how much was it? Xiaohua: thirty thousand, almost thirty thousand yuan.) thirty thousand yuan, I would expect something better than this. These are the photos like your friends would take on their phone without even planning the pictures, just a quick snap, aren’t they, really. So I will be upset about the money. But as for the actual photo, this could start a meme, you know, this could go viral with people looking for the worst place to take wedding photo like on a building site or something. I mean, think of some worse places you can have wedding photo staken. It could become, you know, you could get some real pictures done and then have some really bad ones taken in some horrible other locations. Xiaohua: I hope you don’t plant that idea into your girlfriend mind. Mark: You don’t look convinced by this, Heyang? What’s your idea? Heyang: I’m certainly not gonna be part of that. Mark: What would be the worst place you could have your wedding photos taken? Perhaps our listeners might know. The worse backdrops for wedding photo. Heyang: I think this is terrible advertisement for Bali, (Mark: Yes.) because I can’t imagine Bali looking so terrible, you know, from the look of this. But I think here is really that that photographer does not have an eye for taking photos at all, because when you look at Annie Leibovitz and those really top photographers, they can make a dumpster look fabulous. That’s what I say. So I think here you’re seing someone who is obviously not qualified doing the job and with costumers paying this much. I think this is fraud, this is cheating on people. That’s how bad it is. Xiaohua: It is. Mark: Well, I think, I mean, the pictures are very bad, aren’t they? Xiaohua: They look like they’ve been taken by a passer by. (Mark: Yes.) Someone passed and they said “can you snap a photo of us.” “Yes, sure.” You know, then that’s what the effect will be like. Mark: They do it like that. For me, it’s not really an issue of Bali, or the wedding photo. I mean they’re still great. Actually, this couple has got some great memories, not only the wedding pictures awful and everyone will want to see them, to see how terrible they are. But they’ve got a story to tell for the rest of their life. How it went viral around world in the Internet. Xiaohua: That’s probably true, but I don’t think it’s the effect they want. Heyang: It’s not. No. They’re being known for having really ugly photo taken. I think that’s the last thing people want to be remembered for. And the latest development of things is the groom-to-be said the photo agency agreed to compensate them monetarily, and also redo a photo shoot for them in Chengdu. But I’d like to know if it’s the same photographer. Xiaohua: Yes, that’s right. Mark: I want to know that photographer’s name. Heyang: That photographer should be banned. Never take another photo in your life. Mark: they should get that photographer on the Spring Festival gala to give a little lesson in how to take photos. I mean that photographer Can become a celebrity because of this, really, cause the pictures are so awful. Xiaohua: I guess. One of our listeners Heidi said I guess the couple were cheated, because I’ve been to Wuluwatu temple during this spring festival. I guess that’s in Bali. The scenery is amazing. The water is clean and so on. In short, the photographer didn’t achieve the ideal results, so the costumers have the rights to get the refund or ask the pictures to be taken again. Mark: Fair enough. But wait a minute. The couple were there when the pictures were taken. Didn’t they say “why we are in the field of cows”? I mean you can’t you’re your photo taken in a field of cows and then expect the Tajmahal to be in the background or something like that. Heyang: But the thing is you would never know, because if it’s a good photographer, they can make a minefield look great. That’s the kind of magic a good photographer can make. And here it’s an under-qualified one even taking photos that’s like worse than what I can do. Xiaohua: My advice for people who are about to take wedding photos is you’d better to take matters into your own hand, at least a little bit. When you decide go to a place spent 3, 4 thousand or even more than that, to travel to a strange place, do some research about what’s the ideal place for wedding shots. And then consult the photographers; maybe ask them whether they think it’s an appropriate place. And definitely look at the photo right after they are being taken. Look at it on the digital camera. Mark: Look where you are. One of them looks like it’s a muddy beach. There’s no way that can be transformed into the white golden sands that you’ll probably find on the other side of Bali.