

2015-08-22    04'12''

主播: FM49830

38485 2172

Heyang: 欢迎来到这周Round Table的英语词汇小百科栏目。在刚刚过去的七夕节,你表白了吗?如果说不出那有魔力的三个字“我爱你,”那怎么去表达爱意呢? Mark: Yeah. We are going to talk about some ways of saying you love someone without actually saying those three little words which can have so much impact on somebody’s life. “You are under arrest.” No no. I love you, that’s right, isn’t it? Heyang: Oh, that’s so sweet of you professing your love in public in this way. Mark: This is the whole point. We are not going to be saying “I love you.” We are going to be talking about other ways that people do it. For example, what about leaving a note? What do you think? Heyang: I think it’s a nice gesture. And sometimes these gestures mean so much. Mark: Yeah. What we are talking about is writing a note just like “sleep well” or “I’ve left some food in the fridge for you” or something like that. I think this is quite nice actually, especially when you find little notes around the flat. A lovely surprise to find. Heyang: Oh, certainly, especially when you want to say “you’re sorry.” If you can’t say it in person, then leaving a note doesn’t sound like a bad idea. What about when you see you significant other not happy, and just sincerely ask them “what’s on your mind?” Mark: I think you need to be extremely careful if it’s a woman. Heyang: What do you mean, Mark, by that? Mark: Well, you know what I mean is that you have to be a bit careful with this kind of thing, don’t you? Because, you know when women have a problem or something, they say I had a terrible day at work today. But remember men like to fix problems. But if you say something like what went wrong and then she says something like the boss said something nasty to me. Then if you say right, what’s his phone number, I’m going to sort him out right now. Now, if you say that it’s not what women are looking for or so I’m told. What they want is sympathy and understanding and a hug. And is that right? Heyang: That’s partially right. And you need to show you are listening or you’re just half-listening. See, it’s actually really easy to deal with women. We just want your attention. Mark: I see, I was doing that thing from Two-and-a half-men that Charlie Sheen did just now. In one episode of that, he just sort of every now and then while the woman was talking, he’d nodded his head and said “yes” and that kept her happy. Is this the key to men keeping women happy in a conversation? Heyang: Yeah, yeah, I totally agree with you. Umm, I think you made a really good point! See, I’m doing exactly the same thing to you. Mark: I’m happy with it. Ok, some of the other little things that people do to make people feel loved but without actually using those words are “buy them something nice.” Something unexpected, a little surprise, a spontaneous gift when it’s not their birthday or Valentine’s Day or something like that. And in fact, if you are worried about not remembering to send a spontaneous gift, just write it in the diary of your smartphone. Maybe it won’t be spontaneous to you, but it still will be to her. Heyang: Yes, and it’s all about showing you care and you are thinking of her. So do you think action means more than words? Mark: What I think is important is to maintain this kind of behavior throughout the whole relationship or it might not last very long, especially if it’s a marriage. I think these spontaneous acts of kindness, maybe they are not that spontaneous maybe they are in your diary as a reminder, do something spontaneous today! To show her you love her. These things are very important. And they are also important the other way round. It’s nice to be surprised in this way by one of these unseen and unexpected acts of love. Heyang: 我们可以给你提供的建议也就这些咯,一定要想办法表现出你的爱意,如果你说不出那三个字的话。