

2015-10-13    06'31''

主播: FM49830

46918 3043

Shower habits transcript: Heyang: Your eating habits can speak volumes about your personality, in the same way your shower habits can be quite telling,too. After today's show, you will be able to find your shower habit and see what it says about you. 你最真实的自己在洗澡的时候可能会表现出来喔,你相信吗? So let’s go through the list more or less to see if your shower habits are as revealing as mine. OK, I’ll go first. Basically, what I definitely would do when I go into a shower is singing in the shower. It is the best thing, I mean, you go into the shower, and you are in a closed environment. It’s just you, the shower and the shampoo bottle, and that becomes my microphone. That also becomes my Oscar Academy Award in my hand, and I’ve practiced it many times. “Thank you so much. I thank the team. I thank the crew. I thank all of those who have helped me, and most of all, I need to thank my parents. If they didn’t help me and raise me up, how could I have gotten this award of best actress? Mark: Wait, that was sing, and then acting as well, you are talented in the shower, aren’t you? Well, my shower activities seem very dull. I just go into the shower, leave the shower, dry myself with the towel. That’s it. It’s not very interesting at all. But the one thing that I can confess up to actually is that I was always tempted to shave in the bath, just to save time. But I never did it, because of the reactions you just gave us, horror. Then when I was watching a 007 movie, James Bond movie, he would shave in the bath. After that, I thought it’s all right then. What’s your confession? Luo Yu: Basically, there are two things I would do when I take shower. For one thing definitely, I would sing, like Heyang did, because I think the sound effect is better than Karaoke sometimes. And you are demonstrating the true yourself to the audience, naked, without wearing anything. It’s the real side of yourself. Another thing definitely I would do is brushing my teeth. Actually we debated it a couple of days ago in the office. According to a report, a lot of men do so. Mark: Brush my teeth in the shower? No! I’ll be honest with you. If someone else is using the sink, then I will. I’m not actually in the shower. I will sort of use the water from the shower. I’ll put the tooth brush in the shower water and then clean my teeth. I must say, Heyang, you do know that men shave different parts than women, right? I’m talking about facial hair. It is not a big deal for a man to shave in the bath. Heyang: Oh, Mark, you’ve just muddied the water even more. Mark: But women shave their legs, don’t they? That’s what I was referring to. Heyang: Yeah, that’s the only thing we are referring to obviously. Let me just try to clarify who are the people that brush their teeth in the shower. Those people will take full advantage of the multi-tasking brain. And those who like to sing, like myself, you are a confident individual who doesn't overly worry about what other people think about you. This will help you to go far in life. Okay, some nice words I picked up for myself and those who are in my breed. There is a whole bunch of other types of things people do in the shower. And I have to proudly announce that it’s not just singing in the shower that I do, there is this also taking a long, luxurious bath. That is something I enjoy immensely too. You are showing the world there is no need to be stressed out. Then if you are in times of stress or drama, you know you can prefer letting things go and enjoy life’s simple pleasures instead. I didn’t read so much out of my actions, but I think it’s something very relaxing and soothing. Sometimes I read, and sometimes I would put on very cheesy music. Mark:Yeah, that’s good for a bath. Do you have something in the bath, and a candle, do you have that? Heyang: Sometimes I do. Luo Yu: And essential oil as well? Heyang: Luo Yu, you know so much about this. Well, give us more information on the different kinds of oils and bath salt, and all kinds of great things you put in the bath. Luo Yu:Unfortunately, the only essential oil I use is the lavender oil and milk. I combine them together. Mark:They can be relaxing actually. Heyang:Our wechat listener Tracia says what she likes to do is to just let water run all over her. She knows it’s a bad thing. That is not environmental friendly. But that’s what she likes to do. Our lovely listener Suzie says she listens to Round Table during the shower, and I think that’s a great idea. I would recommend that to everyone. So you are getting the hot topics, you are getting your English improved, and you get to listen to these three very interesting people talking about interesting things. Yeah, that’s just self-promotion from me.