

2015-11-08    06'12''

主播: FM49830

24913 1456

Heyang: A group of bikini-clad models caused chaos on the streets of Jianwai SOHO in Beijing, by encouraging people to scan their buttocks with a smartphone. Is it appropriate to use such a sexually explicit method for marketing? And can I please remind you guys that this is in open air, in a public area that there could be children around. So what’s going on guys? Mark: Well, it’s interesting that you say there might be children around. There are children around on beaches you know when women wear exactly the same outfit, a bikini, right? If you go to the south of France, they don’t even wear the top of the bikini. You know, they are topless as well on the beach. So I don’t quite see. I know the context is quite important, but however, when it comes to actually sort of seeing a woman in a bikini, context is important I agree, you know, it might be not appropriate to wear a bikini to work for example. Heyang: Or in Jianwai SOHO. Mark: But my point is you will see no more than you would if she was on the beach. That’s my point, you see? So socially, I think the context is important, but in terms of children would seeing something that they wouldn’t see anyway if a woman was on the beach, well, they won’t. You know, a woman in a bikini looks the same whether she’s on the beach or in the streets of Beijing. Heyang: Yeah. Well, Mark, I know you are a gentleman and you haven’t really checked out the photos because Mark made that request to me. Mark: I asked you to show me them. She thought I’d get too excited. Heyang: And I’m a lady! Why would I do it for you, right? Anyway, I did check out the photos. And I checked out from Luo Yu’s computer. So I didn’t actively go searching for those photos, right? It was out and about for people to see on Luo Yu’s computer, and we sit next to each other. Luo Yu: The thing is that this morning, when I viewed this news, a colleague came and approached me, saying “how dare you watch these pornos in office!” Mark: Really! Heyang: OK. So there’s a part that I need to let you guys know that it is very explicit. Because it’s kind of a G-string so you can see everything and it’s literally the bum where the QR codes have been stick to. Mark: I’d like to see the picture to get a more objective idea about it cause I might have to modify what I’ve said so far. But you know, seeing a woman in a bikini for me is not something that should be controversial. I wish we could just get to grips with the fact that we all have a human body and they are basically all the same. There are two types of them basically, aren’t there? There’s the male and female. And you see kids walking on the beach with their mom when she is wearing bikini. You know, the thing I strongly object to about the story is that apparently the words “use me” were written on the back of these women in Chinese characters. I find that grossly offensive. And that does really objectify women. I think that’s the thing that bothers me about this, the phrase “use me”. No human being should be used by another. Luo Yu: Yes, I think phrases like “use me” is really vulgar, obscene and pornographic. I won’t want such things happen again. From the societal perspective, if you want to do any business ploy, you have to be complying with the social regulation or moral standards at least, right? You can’t be so explicit. But from personal perspective, I definitely would try if I got the opportunity to scan the QR code. Mark: I bet you would! Luo Yu: It’s very sexy you know? And very convenient! You get the APP and see how can the APP work on your smartphone. Heyang: But don’t you think like Mark said that social context is really important here. I mean would you feel comfortable seeing this and also scanning like literally being that close to a stranger lady’s buttocks in open air where with everybody looking at you? Luo Yu: But I think the company has… Heyang: I mean this is going too far, isn’t it? Luo Yu: This is going too far. And that’s why it’s going outrageous and this matter has been taken care by a bunch of security guards in Jianwai SOHO. But it’s such a successful business ploy. Even Daily Business is reporting it. And people from all across the world know about the matter. Mark: Anyone on this program, anyone that works for a news organization where they write about this or talk about it is condoning it and is supporting this activity of this company even by criticizing it. Because we’ve mentioned the name of the company I think, haven’t we? Did we? Heyang: We haven’t. And I made sure that’s not include in the research. Mark: OK. But simply by discussing it even in a negative way, we are ensuring that this kind of thing will happen again. And we are endorsing this kind of advertising just by talking about it because it’s worked. So I think it would be hypocritical for any of us really to condemn this. Because if we really condemn this, as a media outlet, we should ignore it. Heyang: We should just put it away and not talk about it. Mark: And then this kind of advertising would die because this wouldn’t work. Heyang: And also I think this is not the first time that sex sells this kind of very old tactic that has been used earlier this year. There was that you know the Spartans marching in the streets of Beijing. But that was a lot less obscene because there wasn’t so much flesh been shown and I hate it when people objectify women and treat women just like meat and that’s what I see here. So still criticizing it and well there you go. That’s all we have for this edition of Round Table. Thank you so much for your company. Stay tuned on EZFM.