

2016-04-25    07'51''

主播: FM49830

38672 1528

【特别感谢热心听友“Amanda-怡”帮忙听写本篇文稿】 Heyang: A new study found that Women who look for partners who are intelligent are less likely themselves to seek a career in the science, technology, math or engineering. Just like in the TV series the Big Bang Theory, Penny works as a waitress while her on-off boyfriend Leonard is a physicist. So guys, tell me more about the study and I just want to know do you think it makes sense? Ryan: So the research came from the University of Buffalo in the US and it identified that the dating preferences of more than 900 participants. Women who wanted a partner smarter than themselves were also less likely to show an interest in science, technology, engineering and math. Researchers said these types of women are more intent on playing a &`&traditional&`& gender role and gravitate towards more nurturing professions such as teaching and social work. Now looking at this, first of all, we talked about I believe Leonard and Penny, for all the Big Bang Theory fans out there, but I also would raise that Sheldon and his girlfriend are both scientists. (LY: Amy)Amy, thank you. And they are together. So that’s interesting we have both examples there. But specifically I gonna reference something more closer to home and that’s my sister. My sister has been published for trying to cure cancer. She’s met the Nobel peace prize winners in Germany for her research that she’s published so she’s very accredited. And she did not marry a guy that’s less smarter than her. She married another scientist who is also very intelligent guy, his name is Chris. And he’s a really nice guy. But I don’t think that women, if they are very smart, the smart women would settle for dumber guys. I just feel like this research is a little off-kelter with me. Liu Yan: I was so impressed by Ryan’s personal story. I just want to say, his family is such a bonanza of inspirational stories. Because I still remember him talking about his mother and now his sister. ( HY: Liu Yan you have just proved you are our ultimate friend of RT.) I am not kidding. I do listen to each and every episode. In the future we will get to know each and every family member of Ryan Price. HY: Maybe we can get to invite them to RT at some point if they come to visit you in Beijing. Ok, that’s another thing. But, yeah, I think Ryan makes a really good point. When I was looking at the study , I was a little puzzled, because it sounds like first of all what it’s saying is that some women are looking actively for women, oh sorry, you can (LY: that’s ok.) that’s your options too. You go girl. And there’s also woman who look for man, who are smarter. That’s one of the thing that drives you to look for a guy. I just find that a little bit strange. I think it is usually the whole package, and despite the fact that Ryan talked about smart girls going for smart guys, that kind of thing, but there are time when a smart girl who go for a guy that might not be as intelligent, you know, just maybe not as smart as she is. But he’s still ok. LY: That’s certainly ok but there’s big difference. One is you deliberately trying to score someone who is not as intelligent. The other is you have found someone who is maybe not as intelligent as you but that’s not the main thing. You are attracted to his personality. That’s a different thing than you actually actively seeking someone who is less intelligent. HY: That’s true. I’d like to share a little story. As you know I was that girl that kind of look for a guy that wasn’t as smart as I was. But he was so super cool and a really wonderful guy. That was just in high school. So basically I would ask him like math question and I totally know the answer. I nailed it. But I just asked him and pretended I didn’t know because I wanted to(LY: spend time with him) yeah, yeah, we have fun together; he’s still an awesome guy. I think this is far more complicated than just scoring the guy who’s smarter and you settle for the traditional role. But also there is this talk about the complementary roles like the guy, let’s say, is super smart in science and math and the girl is kind of just the opposite, so complimentary to each other. Ryan: I have heard that opposite attract. I’m not one to buy that. I feel like people that you share stuff in common with you will be able to go do things together like you will be excited to do things, you will share common interest. You know like if I really like magna from Japan and HeYang really likes Magna from Japan. We can talk about that for hours. (HY: Oh yeah, Manga!)Manga! I am so sorry. (HY: no worries.) you know having things in common is actually really important in a relationship and of course you want to have everything in common but having the important stuffs in common I think is necessary. HY: Totally. LY: I know for the sake of the show, I probably should present a different opinion but I’m so totally on board. That’s exactly what I think. I think having common interests and having common intensity for something is very important. And just like Ryan, I am never for the stupid belief of opposite attract. I hate hate hate that saying. You know. If that’s the theory, 男人不坏女人不爱,nice guys always finish last, so I don’t believe that. HY: I think it is the stupid girls that go for the really really bad boys. Ok maybe if you are like younger than 25, alright. But if you are 25 and you are still think like that, girl I don’t know what to do with you. You should, it is not the best. LY: Go get yourself checked out. HY: I am with you, LiuYan. But I don’t wanna say those words. Thank you for saying it. And also we’ve got so many messages regarding this topic. 静待花开 says my major is English and I hate math. I prefer to choose my significant other to be excellent at math. That is just what I want. And Jessie says I want someone that is kind of having that part that I don’t have. So I can kind of look up to him. But I would say I would go for, I just can’t help but share my own opinion, that is we should work as a team. We should be equals. And he is not dumber than you. And you can work together and move forward together. That’s the best thing I think.