

2016-05-07    04'38''

主播: FM49830

18543 1074

【特别感谢热心听友“Coco 鄢文琴”帮忙听写本篇文稿】 He Yang: A global survey found its coffee and ketchup that holidaymakers consider their packing essentials, rather than flip flops and suntan lotion. It’s also showing that nearly 40 percent of Chinese mainland travellers pack instant noodles with them. Are you one of them? Guy’s, please tell me more about the survey and what’s up with bringing food from home when you are travelling? Ryan: Yeah, a survey of travellers from 29 countries and regions have revealed the top unexpected items each nationality takes abroad, ensuring that wherever they go they have a taste of home with them. The study are looked at, it was by a Spanish travel company, surveyed 7,500 people from around the world ensuring that a minimum of 250 locals had been interviewed for each country. Now, looking at these, I think, some of them are pretty silly. So, maybe if we have some French listeners you guys can clear this one up for me. But bringing cheese, 53 percent French people said they would bring either cheese or dairy products. Guys, don’t dairy products go bad like, how are you going to refrigerate that, that seems more a problem, more trouble than it is worth. Luo Yu: Cheese have gone through four fermentation processes already, so , it won’t decay. He Yang: It won’t to decay, but it will smell bad like baby diapers. And Chinese people tend to bring instant noodles, that doesn’t smell. But I don’t get it, if you are travelling, then aren’t you supposed to try the local food. That’s part of your travel experience. Why bring instant noodles? Ryan: Define travelling, what if I am going to my parents’ house on Spring festival and I want something to eat on the way, on the train. That makes sense! Luo Yu: And What if there was a long journey trip, like you take a train from Beijing to Urumqi. Right? He Yang: You guys are just ganging up to against me today, not giving me a chance. But as independent young women, I will stand firmly on my ground. That I’m saying travelling here means long distance as you are travelling to a different country probably go sightseeing. And why would you bring your home food? Ryan: No, no, specifically, I can’t answer that question, because I fill in the category of us Americans. In the study shows that Americans, we, tend to bring toilet paper and I’m all about that. Luo Yu: And condoms. Ryan: Oh, Godness, no, that’s totally false. He Yang: It’s fine if it’s true. You know, just do it safely. Ryan: Do it safely, that’s what we are saying. But as an American, it is, for us, is very hygienic oriented, which I totally agree with. Luo Yu: For us, it is very easy to understand, because, for one thing, we love to taste a little bit of food from home. And that’s why a lot of Xin Jiang people would carry loads of nans (nan bread) with them. You know, it’s very easy to preserve and not easy to get rotten or decayed. And people just love it, like people from Shanxi, Gansu or Ningxia. They have Guo kui. These like crusty and crunchy shells, but very tasty inside. So, it’s like people are a little bit nostalgic and they get used to the food already. So, that’s why we take with them. He Yang: Yeah, It just like South Koreans take kimchee with them. And whenever there having local food, maybe they want a little bit of something, that reminds them of home. But still, doesn’t that just defeat the purpose of travelling, you are going off a foreign country and I would still want to try the local staff. Ryan: I think it’s weird. Yeah, you should try the local staff but if it’s really bad, I won’t blame you for going to the MacDonald’s that’s probably that’s down the street, because it’s seems to be everywhere. But one thing I did say like I did like that 37 percent of Russians they bring playing cards, really smart. Playing cards are good. He Yang: Alright, I would like to finish today’s show with Han, our Wechat listener’s comments. He says: “I would definitely try instant noodles with local flavors, for example, kimchee noodles, if I visit South Korea or a bunch of other instant noodles with local flavor… Luo Yu: I love that advice. He Yang: It’s totally a genius.