

2016-07-03    04'38''

主播: FM49830

25385 926

Heyang: Now, Let's talk about a boy's topic I suppose. A recent report shows that among adults, men are buying more toys than women. Why is that? So, what are we talking about here? The toys are like transformer stuff…those kind of toys, right? Niu Honglin: Yea, it is like every kind of toys involved. Oh no, not every. The transformer of course, the robot…or maybe what is boys and men favorite? And also some men and, let say, not in big cities, it shows up that teddy bears are the most popular in second, third and fourth in some cities. So, yes, teddy bears. But I like to assume that they are buying that for their girlfriends or something. Ryan: Hey guys, it is pronounced "Trans-form-er" okay? It's Optimums Prime. Come on guys! I am sorry for all the male listeners out there. They just don't understand guys. Well first of all, I think it is obvious that there is plenty of data to show that basically, when we are buying teddy bears, it is not for us, it is for our special lady. Niu Honglin: Apparently? Really apparently? Ryan: I think so, but definitely, definitely the transformers are for us. But, basically, you know 65 percent of toy buyers are between, in the survey, are between 23 to 35 years of age. And so, it is bringing up a lot of questions for the older guys why are they buying toys. You know what? I went to the comic con and I looked at all these really cool toys, but I could have appreciated the artistic-ness in them, and it brought back this nostalgic feeling. So I think a lot of guys buy this stuff to remember their childhood. Not necessarily, they go home and play in the living room, with their transformers. Heyang: Okay…really? Ryan: Yeah! Come on! Niu Honglin: It is okay. It is nice to see a little boy inside of a man, manly man. It is fine. And I am all for it. You should have a hobby. It is like, it better than smoking or drinking. You are just collecting toys. Heyang: Yeah! Have a hobby, like play tennis. And not get some toys when you are in your 30s. Do you know what that kind of scene looks like in other ladies' eyes? Ryan: Is it? I mean. So, you say it is better than reference smoking okay. Another thing that is better. But, if you went on a second, third date, you are going to watch a movie at your new found boyfriend's house, and you just see action figures everywhere, wouldn't that scare you to pieces? I mean it is just a little weird when it is like a dramatic thing. But I do want to say that probably most these guys are buying it for nostalgic reasons. So ladies, don't hate! Heyang: But why is it that, I mean nostalgia is a common feeling shared by all human beings, but girls don't buy toys. Why is it that men are buying those stuff? Ryan: Are you kidding me? I feel like girls definitely do buy toys. I mean I feel like Hello Kitty is huge. It is huge maybe in Korea, and a lot of places in Asia. Niu Honglin: Um…let say that we like them. It is okay if we need something that they are in shape of a Hello Kitty. It is okay to buy those, but we don't collect them. Well, at least, I don't collect them. And also, I am okay with it cuz it is nicer and easier to pick a gift. Ryan: Also you are going to make fun of guys for our toys. I just want to say on behalf of all our guys that why do you guys have so many shoes? Heyang: Because we need to wear it! But we don't need to play with it and you are playing with your toys when you are in your 30. And you have a whole group or cabinet of action figures? Yes, I understand those are collectables and they are like merchandise. And in some cases, they can actually become a sort of investment. But that is a mystery to me. How come, still you know guys…can we just simply say that boys will be boys forever? And I don't like that line at all because it sounds like an excuse! You are listening to Roundtable!