

2016-08-08    07'00''

主播: FM49830

24439 842

He Yang: Fanfiction or 同人小说 is when someone takes either the story or characters of a certain piece of work, whether it is a novel, TV show, movie, and just creates their own story based on it. It is often inspired by fans who feel that the plot is incomplete or just want to see a happy ending between their favorite characters. Why is fanfiction so popular in China? Niu Honglin: Well, according to some writers that the reason they write fanfiction is purely from the love and a feeling of regret for the characters. Basically, people are starting to read or see some TV show, movie, et cetra and they feel like they want to see more, they want to know more about the beloved character. And that is sometimes when they step in and make their own plot here. And Jin Jiang Wen Xue Cheng is a popular fanfiction site for probably female audiences more likely. And it hosts a third Authors’ Forum on anniversary this year and hundreds of authors are coming from different parts of the nation to attend this meaningful event to meet and greet their fans. And those authors includes those that write fanfiction, maybe only fanfiction. Ryan: You know I get this, ok, I do, guys. Although I’m not, I don’t know. He Yang: Do you? Are you too cool us, Ryan? Niu Honglin and I He Yang, we’ve read these things Ryan: Alright. Can I finish? He Yang: Sure, go ahead, sorry to intrude Ryan: Harry Potter, alright, I’m not following this whole Voldemort Harry Potter, Ithink that’s some weird stuff going on. But hey, if it floats your boat, I don’t judge. But one thing that always starts honestly should have happened and aroad, I would like to be seentaken is Harry Potter and Hermione, dude, I want to see them get together. I thought, even J.K. Rowling, I believe that she had commented after finishing these series that it was a mistake to have Harry and Ginny end up together. And actually she would rather head it the other way around with Harry and Hermione. So I can see how the allureof fanfiction could come into play here. But also I can see the problems with copyright, guys, because sometimes, this is somebody else’s intellectual property. It wouldn’t have come to fruition, if J.K. Rowling had it thought of the universe Harry Potter. So I think, A. if you make money off this, you need to at least pay some kind of royalty and have an agreement with that person, you created this universe or otherwise just offer for free. That’s my twocents. Niu Honglin: Yeah, there are some fanfictions that they use characters from other novel and they started to have their own story in the completely different time and different place and when the story is very popular,they started to make it, make it to change the name of the character and publish the story. I’m talking about 50 Shades of Grey here. Ryan: You mean 50 Shades of Gross. He Yang: Ok. Some of the stuffs is a little bit off limits Niu Honglin: I’m not promoting or against anything, I’m just trying to say that 50 Shades of Grey is originally a fanfiction from the Twiliight series. So you can see that some of the fanfictions are actually what you have said they use the same universe, they’re using the same characters to develop different kind of story. But it is possible that they just, because their love for the characters are too huge that they just using the character to start another story. He Yang: Yeah, I can totally relate tothat character pairing is the technical phrase for it and it is the most essential part of fanfiction that gets all the fans, like I have said in Slam Dunk, Liu Chuanfeng has to be paired with Xian Daozhang. Niu Honglin: I can totally see that it’s justso hot. He Yang: Exactly. He does not belong to any girl. Niu Honglin: No, no, no, no. He Yang: So is that a kind of passion that I think fans get so much fun reading from another fan, that’s writingthis, answering to our desires. Ryan: I get vibe that this has a very big like desire and people really, girls seem to really like this for the pairing possibilities. He Yang: Don’t gender stereotype Ryan: Ok, fine. But I mean you just mentioned 50 Shades of Gray and Twilight. Ok. Fist of all, I will admit, I have seen Twilight, ok, with guy friends in a movie theater. Ok, I’m not proud of it, but I had to see whatall the rage was about. Ok, yes. But I think I only saw the first two, but I never seen 50 Shades of Gray. I know my mom and my sister love it and talk about it for hours, but at the same time I have heard what it’s about and it’s not for me, so I can’t, definitely can’t tell if the two are related, cause I don’t know them well enough. But if people are getting so much enjoyment out of it, is it such a bad thing? That’s my question. He Yang: It can’t be a bad thing. Ryan: It can’t be a bad thing. 50 Shades of Gross, come on, people love it. Niu Honglin: Ok, about the thing you have mentioned about, a copy issue everything. I’d like to say that it is actually a fact that most of the fanfiction writers don’t get paid or publish their works. They’re just doing this, sometimes from pure love. But if it got really popular, I do think there should be a standardized procedure that allows you to discuss with your original writer and talk about things, make arrangement, make deal out of somewhere to make sure you’re getting paid in a good way. Ryan: Yeah, I think if you are writing a good fanfiction and offering it for free. Eventually, you know you’ll get following and then wants you write an original content, maybe you could make money off of that. So I think it’s a good way to begin as an author. He Yang: Yeah and we have seen there some successful examples of fanfiction writers become real writers and understand there’s a lot of junk out there. But when it’s free, that’s what you get and also that is, I think the beauty of the Internet that anybody could technically, I mean publish online, but whether you be able to gain that huge group of followers and capitalized on that, it takes a lot more work and also get the legal issues sortedout before hand.