

2016-08-09    10'38''

主播: FM49830

39982 1088

He Yang: Olympic swimmer Fu Yuanhui has become an Internet sensation after a post-match poolside televised interview on August the 8th. You must have come across the millions of memes that features her animated facial expressions. This morning, she’s won the bronze in women’s 100-meter backstroke in Rio, the Olympics. Yes! Guys, tell me more about this lady first, cause she was virtually obscure. No one knew her name until two days ago. Ryan: Right, so Miss Fu, the 20-year old athlete, posted a time of 58.95 seconds in the women's 100-meter backstroke semifinal at the Rio Olympics. Fu told the CCTV reporter when she was informed of her result with surprise and delight. " Huh?! 58,95 ? ! I thought I did 59 seconds! Wow! Am I so fast? I'm pretty satisfied." And what a remark saying that so cute. She also said, you’ll have to do the translation for me here, He Yang, but in English "I have used enough power to destroy the world." He Yang: Wow, she is like the mighty God. Yeah, she is that to me right now and her original words were 我用了洪荒之力. Wow, that sounds really powerful. Fang Zhou: You know in today’s morning show, we actually spend a long time discussing the right and proper translation for 洪荒之力. He Yang: We’re just getting ready for roundtable. Slap in the face. Fang Zhou: You know 洪荒 literally means a reference to a really historical a period of time, you know, ancient period of time, long time ago. Ryan: Flood, correct. Fang Zhou: Yeah, that’s true. So my former colleague at CCTV, they have presented one translation says I have been utilizing prehistorical power. He Yang: Yeah. I think our translation just one-upped that one. Roundtable rules and rocks. Fang Zhou: But just wait and see there are many different translations from our listeners. In the morning show, which was really really fun, one says the chaos energy. Ryan: The chaos energy. Fang Zhou: Primeval energy, primeval force and power of Chinese gods. He Yang: Yeah, that’s colorful. Fang Zhou: Yeah, it’s true and I think I have used enough power to destroy the world. That sentence says it all. Roundtable rules, I agree. Ryan: It’s a very strong sentence. I’m right there with you guys. But what I really liked was when asked if she had high expectations for the finals, Fu answered with a bright smile “ Not at all, I am already very satisfied with my results”. And I love that, because you know what the point of playing sports isn’t just to win. It’s to have fun and be a good sport and sportsmanship makes sports fun for everybody who’s playing it. And you know apparently people agree with me, guys, because Fu’s followers on Weibo have surged from 56,000 to more than 2 million. So other people agree with me. She’s obviously in the spotlight right now. Maybe you guyscan talk more about why she’s got so many Weibo followers. He Yang: Yeah, why is she so popular? She totally stole the thunder from Wu Minxia, she’s an awesome athlete as well. She’s just collected her fifth and I think she probably will collect some more in the very near future. And there is Sunyang, who’s also an awesome athlete, gold medalist, just this morning, I think. He did it again. But people’s hearts go to this lovely girl that people don’t even care if she gets a medal or not, I think, after she’s entered the final. And that is so new and different. The public mood that I’m getting right now. And Ryan, I think you make a really good point that sports is not about to be wining what. That’s not what we used to think for sure. Ryan: You know, also I think this is a specific case that I think is really interesting. You know when we think of Olympic sports, we don’t think the actual individuals that are doing this or they’re playing a sport. Many times we think the countries, like, oh, it’s China verse, you know the US verse, England verse, Russia verse. All these different countries swimming in the pool. Yet, when we see them on the individual level and when we see that there’s more to themthan just, you know, that swimmer, but they have their personality. Once we get to see that, we can see that they’re just like us. We can relate to them and love them, just like we love our friends, just like we love our family. And so, you know, looking at this meme of this really awesome swimmer. She’s an awesome swimmer, but acting just like everyday person. Who can’t relate to that and who wouldn’t love it? That’s what I’m saying. Fang Zhou: Yeah, I totally agree with Ryan on this case. I think Fu’s image is one hundred percent against the stereotypical image of an athlete, especially in China. Think aboutit. If you are an athlete that represents your country at the Olympic games, you are interviewed by the national television network, it adds a lot of pressure and you must be serious. I mean that’s huge. You’re representing your country and you will be all of the places in your country on TV. I guess that’s what makes so much pressure on those athletes. And what I love Fu Yuanhui’s best is also that she acts just like normal 20-year old girl. And what I love the best of her comments is that “ I’m already very satisfied with this result”. She didn’t say if she had any expectations on the finals the next day. But with that line, I definitely know that she’s gonna give her best in the next day’s final. And that’s the best explanation of sportsmanship at Olympic games. You know, just give your best every time and just don’t think about the competetions, don’t think about the trash talks or just succeeding like you did last time with a better result. You just do it and give a lot you can. That’s what we enjoy the most on the pitch, in the pool. Ryan: Exactly. This is once in a lifetime thing, you are one of the few, the chosen, to compete for your country and games that unite us all, like what an honor. So everybody is a winner, in my opinion. And I think it’s also so cool she’s now known as the comedian of the swimming profession. But when asked why she got the bronze in the 100 meter backstroke. You know sayingthings like, “ Oh, because my arms are too short”. I think that’s funny and you know that proves she’s got a sense of humor. She didn’t take this lost personally. She just take it as you know like “ oh, I’m happy to be here and I’m gonna make a joke. And everybody likes people like that. That don’t take life so seriously, but can learn to enjoy it, even when you are not with on top. He Yang: That is so true, Ryan, and so many of us, Chinese people, we want that, we want that care-free spirit, we want that we are among the best inwhat we do and we can laugh at our wins and loses, but so rare is that actually done in real life, so I think when people see that this Olympic bronze’s winner now can do that in front of the camera and you can tell that she’s not acting, you know, it’s all natural. That is like a breath of fresh air and I remember throughout those years when I watching the Olympics, when a Chinese athlete managed to get the gold medal and the way they react in front of the camera always thought….. FangZhou: I did this for my country. He Yang: Ok, I did this for my country, thank my coaches, the party, my government and my country again and that’s pretty much it. I used to think they are like robots, they are not like everyday people. And then there is just tad of sadness that invades my heart, because I feel this is not a real person. Why are they reacting like that in front of the camera. There must be other reasons why they are acting this way and the more you think about that, (that greatenly ) saddens me as I grow older to understand this system a bit more. But here, look at Fu Yuanhui. Look at her and I think every generation needs our ownheroes. And in 2004, when Liu Xiang broke the world record with what he does best. I think that energized the nation and it fulfilled that nationalistic greedthat people needed at that time. And in 2008, when Beijing held the Olympic games, I think it was, maybe the highlight of modern China and history. Fang Zhou: Yeah, it was a collective presentation. He Yang: Exactly. And then I think people have had that peak time. Now, maybe it’s a good thing that we are becoming more in touch with our human side of things. It’s this girl that she’s giving all she can into a game. And she’s doing it with that bright smile. Well done to you, Fu Yuanhui. And I think you are the idol of this era.