

2016-08-17    05'47''

主播: FM49830

14667 793

He Yang: A Sina Shanghai online survey found that close to 50 percent of respondents support pet’s-friendly workplaces. They say allowing pets at work relieves pressure and even spurs creativity. But could your furry friends rub off on coworkers the wrong way? Well, let’s talk about the survey findings first. Yu Yang: Yeah, the survey finds that nearly a half of people believe that having pets at work can help employees release intense pressure to stimulate more inspiration. Nearly 30% of online users suggest that pets at work makes working overtime no longer alone and boring, it is also conducive to the relationship between colleagues. However, about 10% of people think the pets will be harmful for the hygienic working environment and they may destroy office facilities sometimes. And 13% of total survey participants simply disagree because they don’t like animals. Bob: How can people not like animals? I love animals. He Yang: There are people who not like you, Bob. Yu Yang: Some people may be allergic to the lovely furry friend. Bob: Furry animal, the faces, those beautiful little faces looking at you. How could you not like them when they are so cute? He Yang: I know that’s a good point. But what about a lizard or a spider? Bob: Or a snake? I’m gonna say this all comes down to I guess, you know, what kind of pet, because lot of pets just aren’t practical in an office scenario or maybe we are talking about a shop or a restaurant, where you can’t really keep a dog or a cat in the restaurant or something like that. But curiously, I’m against the idea. He Yang: You are? Bob: Totally against the idea of having animals. I love animals so much, but as I want to run home to my pet and it will relax me and get me over the stresses and the strings of the day. But it was interesting one of those statistics, which is 25% suggesting that a pet would make working overtime no longer lonely and boring. Well, how about we don’t have to do overtime? How about we have a good work-life balance? And then we don’t need to have these stress beaters like pets and animals in the office, we just go home and have social life, maybe you know play with our dogs and cats home. Yu Yang: Oh, this is ideal situation, Bob, but for news people or other media people, sometimes you don’t know what kind of news is happening and you need to work on it. So sometimes you need to work overtime. He Yang: So Yu yang, do you agree with the idea of having a pet at the workplace? Yu Yang: I understand people’s love toward animals, but keep your love at your own place, not in workplace, because there might be some people who are allergic to the dog hair or cat hair or other name allergens. So it’s not good for the health of other people. And also there is safety hazard and some people just have fear deep down in their hearts, I’m one of them, ok. When I was a little girl, I was chased by a huge black dog of our neighbour’s, so that has very negative impact on me towards my feelings to dogs when I see a dog, especially large one, I feared. So it might be distraction of people’s work. Bob: It could take longer to do your work, because you gonna have to look after the pet, you gonna have to, you know, play with it, feed it, maybe take it for a walk. So you could actually end up with more stress, because you have got less time to do your work. He Yang: Or you can go the other way round, that is when you have a furry little being in the office and it comes to, you know, your chair and then you can just rub it and then it goes to the next desk. Bob: Sorry, are you describing a pet or Ryan? Heyang: I think we have mentioned he’s a tall guy. So yeah, not the little furry one, which is so cute and some people are saying that having a pet in the office, people sort of forge more trust and more communication between each other. Bob: That I can understand. Yu Yang: Yeah, pet lovers usually share a lot in common, so it’s easier to build a trust among them. He Yang: And also a lot of start-ups, the cool, young companies allow this to attract younger employees and to be more accommodating to their employees. I think that is the gesture that are trying to show. And also there are some other studies saying that when you have a pet in the office, people walk around a lot more. It’s actually good for your health and there also some healthy chemicals that could be released just because you have a pet around, you can enjoy those chemicals at home and at work. Bob: We’re going to get a pet. We’re going to have a roundtable cat. He Yang: I want a dog. Bob: No, we can’t have a dog. Yu Yang: It’s a hard decision. It’s a hard decision. He Yang: That is a hard decision. And we want your suggestion. So send us a message on Wechat. We are ezfmroundtable, you can find us anytime, anywhere.