

2016-08-18    04'50''

主播: FM49830

12445 754

He Yang: A deliveryman’s hand-drawn maps to avoid traffic jam in Beijing have gone viral. Apparently they are good enough to beat even the most powerful navigation apps. Working as a courier for nearly ten years, Dou Liguo said he has a good understanding of the roads at Wangjing and Sanyuanqiao, so Sanyuan bridge, known for their congestion. So he drew these maps up to help new deliverymen and women to choose the right and most effective roads. Guys, have you checked out these maps? Yu Yang: Yes, definitely. And the seven maps are really amazing. The maps include the road names, marks information on possible heavy traffic and the best solutions. As most of the roads go through communities, nameless lanes and parks. This courier use the black lines and red lines to mark landmark buildings and the most time-saving routes respectively. And what’s very interesting is that the courier also marks a dog that suggests, ok, maybe pet dogs might appear on this road. Bob: So useful. Yu Yang: Yeah! He marked what time usually the square dancing started. Bob: That’s a real hazard, isn’t it? If you get caught up in that, that’s you stuck. Yu Yang: Yeah. So when during this square dancing time, it’s better not to choose the lanes, it’s better to use the bigger road. He Yang: I think that’s so cool. Hat’s off to this guy, this is, hands down, the best map in the world to me. Bob: Because you could have kept this to himself, cause he could have just used it for his own benefit, but he seems to make it available to everybody. That’s his dedication, isn’t it? Dedication to helping society, helping people travel around. He Yang: And helping people who are newcomers into his occupation. I think that is a very good-hearted person and also just to say how amazing this map is. I don’t think any navigation app out there available at the moment gives such details and you know specific to the area kind of alerts. So this is very, very cool. Bob: Certainly, I have never seen an option on the apps to avoid the square dancing or the dogs. And yeah, that’s so crucial. He Yang; And why do you think that a man like Mr. Dou what be so honorably dedicated to his line at work? Yu Yang: I think there’s a spirit there. And no matter what kind of jobs you do, you treated as your lifelong career and you do your best and you have a future there. So that’s (what) many people lack. Bob: I think the biggest thing that worries me is because this map now has gone viral on the Internet, but the problem is so many people will be using it, that these little lanes and these little roads are gonna become so busy. So it almost defeats the object that he’s made it so popular. Yu Yang: But these kind of lanes and the small routes may be work for delivery man using like electronic tri-cycles, but not for drivers of cars. He Yang: So it still made for the delivery people. Yeah, and it kind moved me when I looked at the map, because these days it’s so hard to get hand-made stuff to start with. And it’s a hand-drawn map and I admire the level of dedication and thought that’s put into his work. And I think for anybody who’s so dedicated into devote it to your line of job, no matter what you do, you will be number one. Yu Yang: Oh yeah. And also another point I think this shows with the development of E-commerce, the service industry is becoming more and more standardized. You know there’s agreement between the customer and the courier and the courier try their best to follow the deal and to fulfill the commitment. He Yang: And for a day like today when it’s raining and I see delivery guys out there still on the road. You guys are our heroes in a rainy day and in a very modern China today.