

2016-09-03    05'20''

主播: FM49830

15843 854

He Yang: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen branch sent out close to 2100 denial letters touching the hearts of many students and parents. One parent said here I quote: “I am so touched. The principal has such a big heart. Not getting accepted is regrettable, while receiving the letter is just overwhelming beyond words.” Some students even decided to repeat a year and apply admissions to this university again next year. So I have heard of acceptance letters, but what is a denial letter? And why is it so special? Ryan: So basically a denial letter is letting you know as soon as been decided that “Hey, don’ t you have to wait any longer for our words. You didn’t get in and I’m sorry”. And this is very common in the USA. And I think all universities in the US will do this say “We are regretting to inform you” as always how it starts, so when you see those first words, you know how the rest of the letter’s gonna go, but so as I understand people really appreciated this, because they took the time to apply and this guy took the time to send them a message back, saying some really poetic words like “there are neither hard nor easy paths. Life comes with happiness and sorrows”. So he had quite a great speech that he send them in the denial letter and on top of that he also send them a notebook with the university’s logo and like some calligraphy work from him. This being President Xu Yangsheng of the university. Zhangwan: That’s really the communication between university and the students who have, you know, although been rejected by the university. He Yang: Yeah, first, I was a little surprised, but then did a little bit surveying around. All Chinese colleges said “Yes, I have never heard of a denial letter before”. And here’s something quite interesting. I think it’s for Chinese students, it’s kind of important, cause in the old days when you get rejected from your dream school, what you get? Nothing. So you, the young person who’s waiting to get the acceptance letter would be waiting at your door for months and if you get nothing and then you realize it’s sort of like adding insult to injury that you don’t get any thing and you’ve been waiting for so long. That is… yeah, that’s not very humane I think. So here now maybe there’s a change in things slightly. Ryan: Yeah and you know one thing, I’ll say, I don’t think happens in rejection letters in such a personal message from the President and I want to read you the guys a little bit of it, because it touched me. He said, part of the letter from President Xu reads as such: “I hope all of you remember that there’s a long road ahead of you. If we were meant to cross paths one day we will. Gaokao only makes up a small part of your life. Once you turn over a new leaf, you still have your entire life ahead of you waiting to be explored. Please be positive and confident along your journey in life.” Zhangwan: What a nice president of university. Ryan: I love that. He says you know what, this isn’t the make or a break, this doesn’t decide your life, pick yourself up, dust yourself up, you are meant to do something. He Yang: That is so nicely said and I think that’s something, it’s a bit heartwarming. So understand why some of these parents got kind of emotional and students as well, but also I’m puzzled this is something, maybe not so personal, but denial letter, rejection letter written in nice words. That’s something that in the UK, the US, it’s common practice for all universities, but why is it such a novelty in China? And people cry over this, because “Oh, this university so thoughtful for once”. Zhangwan: Yeah and because it’s rarely seen here in China. He Yang: And why is that? I think sometimes it’s about you know feeling for the other party. I think service needs just one extra little human touch and it can just make things so much better. Ryan: Right and I think I can’t speak for China, but being from the US, this is like as I said a common practice. And I think that’s something to do with encouragement. In our culture, if you fail, people don’t put you down. They try to help you say “Hey, you can do better next time and this failure was just a small bump on the path of your successful life story and how you made millions and you’re rich and you’re awesome and we wish that for all of our Roundtable fans.