

2016-09-23    06'58''

主播: FM49830

31892 1241

Heyang: He likes spices and she like sweets. He eats noodles all the time, whilst she wants rice as the staple food. Can this couple reconcile their difference and stay happy together? Apparently, different eating habits can be a deal breaker for some couples. Oh, what’s going on here? Is that true? Hongling: Yeah, it can be true for some couples, cause China is a really big country and we can say that there are seven main as of language, there are seven main Chinese dialects in the country. So it is not hard to imagine that even in the same country, people from different regions are facing so many differences in many fields, including your eating habits. So I’d like to name this specific couple, a girl grows up in a coastal city, while her boyfriend grows up in an inland city. So basically they have completely different eating habits, at the end of this sad story, they did break up. The boy saying is “She is nice girl, but in terms of eating habit, she is a barbarian, and I cannot accept it.” Heyang: Oh discriminatory, I don't like that. Hongling: I don't like that, and I don't believe in it. I believe in love, and I do think even though you are having different eating habits, you can always find your way of solving it. You can sometimes open your mind, try a little bit of others, and then you will have a happy marriage, and maybe brought in your eating habit. Ryan: Wow, wow, wow. Ok, so yes, I believe in love too, but at the same time, you date for a while, or hopefully for a while, it’s not like a week and you’re like: ‘I’m in love, I love you. Anyway, so over that time of dating right, you get to know each other, and it could be something as simple. I agree I think it’s pretty silly to break up with someone based off whether they like spicy food or something like that. But I painted it in a different way when I look at this. Let’s say, something that means a lot to me is my diet, and I try to eat healthy. Yeah I’m dating a girl that doesn’t care about eating healthy, and we are living together, and often when we decide to go out to dinner, we have this fight. I wanna go to X, she wants to go to Y. But, my health, and eating, right, which is often just very important to your health. Um those things could create that friction in a relationship that would be that catalyst for breaking up. So eating can be important, um anything. We say in the west all the time, it’s the small things that make the big difference in a relationship. And I think this is one of those things. You know at first you are looking at eating habits and you are saying: “Oh it’s not a big deal, but actually it’s kind of is. And I’m not saying that you have to eat the same food. I think it’s really cute my sister and her husband, I think you know he is a sushi eater, but she doesn't really like fish, but she’ll try it for him because she loves him. (NHL:Yes!) And that’s such a cute testament of how much she cares about him. But at the same time too, I know they’ll both decide, ‘Hey, we are going to eat really healthy, we are going stay healthy, we are going to keep a lean diet.’ They did it right before their wedding, so they could take really great pictures, and they were their support system, and it worked out so well. But I think if one of them wasn't on that same page, you might see some fights, some more friction and who knows, possibly a break up. Heyang: Oh, and there’s one thing that I picked out from that little speech there, is actually completely off point. But there’s something I find very comforting and I think all young people or newlyweds they share is that they all go on a diet before taking the wedding photos. That is universal and is comforting for my heart! According to what Ryan just said, you know lovely story. I think it shows that first of all, eating habits, a difference in opinion and that department shows that you have different habits, different life styles maybe, and you have a difference in the way you think, the way you look at your life.(Ryan: Absolutely) But when two individuals who are not family, and they come together, you are kind of molding yourself into ways that fits the other person, and are you willing to do that? And how far willing are you to agree to go down that path. I think that is if you can manage to go down that path together, then it will work. Ryan: You know I have a question for Niuhongling, because she’s from ShanXi and noodles are big there. If you had a boyfriend that hated noodles, would that be a problem? Hongling: No, it won’t be a problem. I will have all the noodles. I will be so happy, because whatever I go, I can have noodle, he can have whatever there is. And that’s my way of solving the problem, and also I’m not judging you because you will break up with a girl because she does not like your diet thing. I will not judge you, but I think it’s a matter of your own choice, how much you love the girl, how much you value your eating habit. It’s not right from wrong; it’s just something you choose to do. Ryan: Love is one thing, support is another, and I think it’s ok to have one person that likes an unhealthy diet, and one person likes a healthy diet. But to find the support for both of you supporting each other with such fundamental differences, I think it’s easier to speak those words and say it’s easy, but when you are actually in that relationship, it is pretty difficult. Heyang: Yeah, it can be difficult, but yes I am a very optimistic person when it comes to love, and yes I think maybe if you make that compromise in eating, let’s say the girl says “Yeah, I will give in to noodles three days a week”, something like that. And if the guy can maybe clean the bathroom every time after he uses it, then that’s a compromise (Hongling: that a good deal). Yeah, and you know we want this to work, we want it to work, so let’s make it work, we are adults, we can do it.