

2016-10-06    05'16''

主播: FM49830

24625 1105

Heyang: Imagine this, you are strutting through the street, the sun is shining, and birds are humming, and you are having a great time, until you step on something squashy and smelly. Yep you just stepped on dog poop. No way! And write in if this has happened to you. Dog poop is a problem plaguing many Chinese neighborhoods. 18-outdoor pet’s bathrooms have been created in a residential community in Xining, Qinghai province. So shall a doggy toilet solve this problem? Ryan: well, let us talk about this doggy toilet. So this simple setup is a 2-square-meter ground with sand on the floor for the dogs to do their business and wooden fences to give that dog the privacy. So it is so much wants, you know. But anyway, this was a kind of it was brought into the community by the property management of the community. As I understand it these lavatories are used and cleaned up with disinfectants and are sprayed, and it actually having some success. But you know I think this is actually something that we can really learn from. In the US, it is a big deal, when people do not clean up after their dog. In fact, there is like this trash can, bin, type, post all over dog parks, particularly dog parks. Heyang: so people can’t enter? Ryan: with bags, near the can so you clean up after your dog, you pick it up, because let me tell you something, dog feces is not a natural fertilizer. Like you might imagine, some people might imagine. Actually according to the EPA, it is put on a level that it is in the same category as herbicides and insecticides. These things that kill pests that are on the crops. It is harmful. These bacterial are harmful to humans. And these things are toxic and without cleaning up can seeping to many things that we need to not have a seeping to, so it is basically dog feces needs to be cleaned up. I do not think that people know how actually it is bad for humans but maybe there is a stigma that it is natural fertilizer. People, it is not. Heyang: and it is really disgusting. And Ryan, you know what, I am not going to give people the benefit of the doubt here at all and it does not take a brain scientist to find out that when you are not cleaning after your dog, when your dog is doing its business on the street in front of people, and people step on the feces… Ryan: it is pretty embarrassing. Heyang: it does not take a person with high education level to understand this is wrong. This is not benefiting anyone. Bob: we need to use psychology here to work out why is it that people here do not want to pick it up. I know why, people just do not want to pick it up because it is horrible. I would not want to pick this thing up, but if I had a dog, I would. Yeah, for responsible, but I think we need to figure it out because this problem is not going to go away. I really do not think a doggy loo is going to help this situation either. It is a bigger problem than that. Ryan: well, residences from this community tell, ok so let’s keep it in mind that half of this community has at least one dog, Bob, Ok? But in the two weeks since lavatory is built, not one doggy’s defecation has been spotted in the area. Good job people. So I think, you know, one thing we can notice from this is that people do not want clean up after their dog. It is irresponsible for so many reasons that you might see, but at least this community said just have all your dogs do it in here, and then we will have professional or someone come and clean it up. So at least they found this system that works where all that you have to do is take your dog there, and maybe the community will pay for someone to clean it up, but at lest it is not getting on people’s shoes and getting in the places it should not be, you know. Bob: I do not know too many animals, too many dogs that can time when they want to do something, and you know, you have to work out so you can actually get the dog to the loo in time. Ryan: But 2 weeks is a long time. Heyang: yes, and according to some of my friends who do own dogs, they say that you can train a dog like a baby that you can tell them to do their business at a particular place at a particular time and train them. Yes that needs patience, and also I think these dog owners need to understand that you are not in this alone, and you need to benefit others so others can put a smile on their face when they see you and your dog in their neighborhood.