

2016-10-29    05'49''

主播: FM49830

15037 695

Horror stickers have become part of a scary new trend in China but it&`&s not for Halloween. Motorists across the country are hanging scary reflective covers in their rear windows in a bid to stop drivers behind them from using high beam lights. However, some have argued that this new deterrents pose a serious safety risk because they block the vision of the owner driver, while scaring the drivers behind them. It sounds like nobody is really gonna win from this. But maybe you guys have different views? Tell me more about the scary stickers and the rear window! 想看文稿吗?现在文稿将会更新在我们的官方微博和微信上。想看的话请移步我们的官方微博“轻松调频RoundTable”或官方微信“ezfmroundtable”。每周末我们会提供1-2篇文稿,欢迎大家关注。