

2016-12-17    04'56''

主播: FM49830

11407 507

想看文稿吗?关注我们的官方微信号“ezfmroundtable”或微信名称“RoundTable英语新闻脱口秀”,每周末我们会推送一篇文稿。欢迎小伙伴们前来勾搭!我们在微信上等你们! From a spattering of stubble to a bristly bush, facial hair has become a fashion accessory for men. Wu Xiubo has been known for his 5 o’clock shadow gentleman look, while Ben Affleck said his stubble was his ‘good luck’ charm for the Oscars. But some experts have warned that beards are nothing more than a &`&bacterial sponge&`&, riddled with thousands of bacteria - and a perfect way to pass on germs.