国际版名校(university of waterloo)

国际版名校(university of waterloo)

2015-12-23    14'42''

主播: 药苑之声

318 14

Hello everyone welcome to today’s international module, today we are going to introduce a notable university in Canada, university of waterloo. The University of Waterloo is a public research university with a main campus located in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. The institution was established on 1 July 1957 as the Waterloo College Associate Faculties, a semi-autonomous entity of Waterloo College, then an affiliate of The University of Western Ontario. The university is co-educational, and has nearly 27,000 undergraduate and over 4,000 post-graduate students. The university's Latin motto is Concordia cum veritate, translated as "In Harmony with Truth". It was introduced along with the university coat of arms in October 1961. Waterloo has consistently been ranked as one of the top ten universities in Canada. According to Mcleans's Magazine, for the past two decades, Waterloo has dominated the reputation ranking provided by education and business leaders and has ranked #1 in reputation in 2015. The university's institutes for both nanotechnology and quantum computing are located in the Mike & Ophelia Lazaridis Quantum-Nano Centre. Co-operative Education The University of Waterloo has a co-operative education program with more than 19,000 students enrolled in co-op programs and more than 5,200 active co-op employers. The University of Waterloo traces its origins to Waterloo College, the academic outgrowth of Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, which was affiliated with the University of Western Ontario since 1925. That’s the end of today’s program , and see you next term. 【小七贴心tips】 12月24日_周四 小雨 气温:4~9°C 穿衣指数:天呐~~!天气冷,宝宝们要挨冻,小七好不忍心呢,建议大家着棉袄, 厚外套,秋裤等服装,抗冻指数低的宝宝们更要多穿一点呦~~~~! 小七建议大家在wifi环境下收听,避免消耗过多流量。 即日起发送主播名即可收到主播最新一期节目。让你点播喜欢的声音~ Ps.主播名在推送节目页面标题下。 中国药科大学校广播站药苑之声征稿ing,投稿者请将文稿发送至cpugbzgj@163.com,详情请回复 【投稿】如果觉得还不错O_O,别忘了分享到朋友圈扩散给小伙伴们哟╮(╯_╰)╭
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