Rob: But what about the ethics of dark tourism – is it wrong to make this trip? Are we not just exploiting – making money or cashing in on someone’s suffering?
Neil: Doctor Phillip Stone is an expert in this subject. He’s director of the Institute for Dark Tourism Research.He says this type of tourism isn’t new – people have been visiting these types of places for years. He says it’s always been there…
It’s not new in the sense that we are fascinated by other death and people’s suffering. But it’s how it’s packaged up by the tourist industry.
Rob: So he says dark tourism isn’t new. In fact a medieval execution was an early form of dark tourism. Maybe it’s just human nature that draws us to these places? Doctor Stone says it’s all about how these dark trips are packaged. So it depends how they are sold and how tasteful they are – are they sensitive to the horrors of what has taken place?