

2017-08-11    04'40''

主播: TeacherGwen

2049 53

每日听写8.7-8.11(选)中级宇宙何其大汇总 The most ambitious map in history 史上最宏伟的星图 is taking shape before our eyes. 将在我们眼前展开 And scientists are heading for the edge. 科学家正驶向宇宙的尽头 It may be the strangest map you'll ever see. 这可能是你见过的最神奇的星图 And it's bigger than you can believe. 大到超乎想象 It's a map of the entire universe. 它描绘了整个宇宙 There's this whole pattern to the universe 我们准备绘制出 we're starting to map out. 宇宙的完整形态 Seeing it really brought home 这张星图能让我们 the way the universe actually behaved, 更加了解宇宙运行的规律 in a way that all the numbers and equations never quite could. 这是任何数字和方程都无法做到的 Cosmologists are making sense of startling discoveries. 宇宙学家正在解读这些惊人的发现 Medieval maps would say, "Here be monsters." 中世纪地图将未知地域看作怪物出没地带 They weren't entirely wrong. 他们不完全是错的 They're even building pictures 宇宙学家甚至准备绘制出 of the invisible. 肉眼无法观测到的部分 Nick Risinger is blazing a trail through the American south west. 尼克·赖辛格披荆斩棘 奔走于美国西南部 You have to be pretty persistent. 你必须得有顽强的毅力 No stopping. 永不停歇 You've got to keep going. 不断前进 Nick wants to put our entire galaxy on the map. 尼克想绘制出完整的星系 He's on a single-handed mission, to photograph the Milky Way. 他独自一人开始了拍摄银河系的工作 New Mexico is a great place to take photos. 新墨西哥州是个拍照的好地方 It's dry, it's high, 那里气候干燥 海拔较高 and there's not a whole lot of city around here. 周围城市较少 There's a break in the weather, 要是天气晴朗 and you get a full, almost a full night in. 几乎一整晚都可以用来拍照 Other times, you only get, you know, 10% of the night. 否则 一晚上只有十分之一的时间可以用 But it's all luck of the draw. 但这全凭运气 In the modern world, 在现代社会 few of us have skies dark enough to see the Milky Way. 我们很少有机会能在漆黑的夜空中看见银河 But Nick plans to show us our home galaxy 但是尼克准备向我们展示 like we've never seen it before. 银河系不为人知的一面 I'm trying to give people that broad, big-picture understanding 我想要人们对头顶的夜空 of the entire night sky where they fit into that. 有一个全面且宏观的认识 Our galaxy has nearly half a trillion stars. 我们的银河系有近五千亿颗恒星 Most of them are too dim and distant to see. 大多数由于太暗又太远 我们无法看到 But Nick's cameras 但是尼克的相机 are more than 2,000 times more sensitive than the naked eye. 比裸眼灵敏两千多倍 If I had known how much work it would be going into it, 如果我早知道这项工作如此繁琐艰巨 I probably wouldn't have even started. 我可能根本就不会开始 But my personality is, once you start something, you finish it. 但照我的性格 做事必须有始有终 After two years, he's photographed 20 million stars... 他花了两年时间拍摄了三万七千多张照片 by stitching together more than 37,000 separate images. 将它们拼接而成 最终得到两千万颗恒星 Some people might be driven crazy 有些人可能会被 by hearing shutters clack all night long. 整晚的快门声逼疯 But it's actually music to my ears, 但我却很爱听 because it means they're working. 因为这说明它们在工作 By combining data from six different cameras, 通过组合六台不同相机上的数据 he's captured something that would tax 他捕捉到的景象 就连世界上 even the world's most powerful telescopes. 最强大的望远镜也望其项背 His final image is the highest definition, 最后 他合成了有史以来最高清的 true colour map ever made of the Milky Way. 全彩银河系全景图 But he hasn't just mapped it... 然而他不单单绘制了星图 He's made a hand-held guide to the galaxy. 他还制作了便携版的银河图 This is like a window to the sky. 这就好像通往星空的天窗 And you can point it in any direction 你可以将它对准任何方向 and be shown exactly what you're looking at. 从中清晰地看到星空的实况 So here, we're looking at the centre of our galaxy. 现在 我们看到的是银河系的中心 This is our Milky Way. 这就是我们的银河系 You can see this bright cluster of many small stars. 你可以看到这明亮的星团 它包含很多恒星 The map reveals more features with every level of detail. 这幅星图可进一步放大并展现更多细节 As we zoom in here to the centre of the galaxy, 我们将银河系的中心部分放大 I'll point out this dark patch here, this is the Pipe Nebula, 我所指的这块黑暗的斑纹就是烟斗星云 and it's one of my favourite landmarks to help me orient myself. 它是我在定位时最爱用的参照物之一 But it's the sheer size of the image 单是这幅图像的尺寸 that reveals its true ambition. 就已经凸显出其宏伟广阔了