

2017-08-08    01'11''

主播: TeacherGwen

3752 87

每日听写8.9(选)中级宇宙何其大 In the modern world, 在现代社会 few of us have skies dark enough to see the Milky Way. 我们很少有机会能在漆黑的夜空中看见银河 But Nick plans to show us our home galaxy 但是尼克准备向我们展示 like we've never seen it before. 银河系不为人知的一面 I'm trying to give people that broad, big-picture understanding 我想要人们对头顶的夜空 of the entire night sky where they fit into that. 有一个全面且宏观的认识 Our galaxy has nearly half a trillion stars. 我们的银河系有近五千亿颗恒星 Most of them are too dim and distant to see. 大多数由于太暗又太远 我们无法看到 But Nick's cameras 但是尼克的相机 are more than 2,000 times more sensitive than the naked eye. 比裸眼灵敏两千多倍 If I had known how much work it would be going into it, 如果我早知道这项工作如此繁琐艰巨 I probably wouldn't have even started. 我可能根本就不会开始 But my personality is, once you start something, you finish it. 但照我的性格 做事必须有始有终 After two years, he's photographed 20 million stars... 他花了两年时间拍摄了三万七千多张照片 by stitching together more than 37,000 separate images. 将它们拼接而成 最终得到两千万颗恒星