

2017-08-25    06'18''

主播: TeacherGwen

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每日听写8.21-25(选)中级BBC你能成为素食主义者吗汇总 This is a download from BBC Learning English. To find out more, visit our website. 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English.com. 本文来自BBC Learning English。如需获得更多内容请访问我们的网站。BBC Learning English.com 英语六分钟节目。 Neil: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English — the programme where we bring you an interesting topic and six items of vocabulary. I'm Neil. 大家好,欢迎收听本期BBC英语六分钟。在本期节目中,我们会给您呈现有趣的话题和六个新词汇。我是尼尔。 Catherine: And I'm Catherine. 我是凯瑟琳。 Neil: Now, if you want fight climate change — what can you do? 如果你想应对气候变化——你能做些什么? Catherine: Well, you can use less electricity… 嗯,你可以少用一些电…… Neil: Or stop driving… 或者别开车… Catherine: But scientists believe there's another behaviour which has an even bigger impact on the planet, and that is what you eat. 科学家认为另一种行为对地球的影响更大,也就是你所吃的东西。 Neil: We're talking about meat here. If people cut out meat and animal products from their diets — harmful emissions could be reduced by 70%. 我们说的是肉类。如果人们把肉类和动物产品从日常饮食中去掉——有害排放物可以减少百分之七十。 Neil: That's according to research from Oxford University. 该数据来自牛津大学的一项研究。 Catherine: Now emissions are the gases produced by an activity or living thing — so we could talk about factory emissions or farming emissions. 排放物是某个活动或者生物产生的气体——所以我们可以说工厂排放物或农业排放物。 Neil: And if you eat no meat or animal products you're what we call 'vegan'. More and more people around the world are going vegan 如果你不吃肉或其他动物产品,你就是所谓的“素食主义者”。世界上越来越多的人正在变成素食主义者。 Neil: And today's question: which of these celebrities is vegan? Is it…a) Brad Pitt, b) Jennifer Lopez or c) Miley Cyrus? 今天的问题是:下面哪个名人是素食主义者?是a)布拉德·皮特, b) 詹妮佛·洛佩茨还是c)麦莉·赛勒斯? Catherine: And I'm going to go for…c) Miley Cyrus. 我选…c选项麦莉·赛勒斯。 Neil: Well, we'll find out at the end of the programme. Now, before we go much further, why don't we find out a bit more about exactly what it means to be vegan? 好的,我们会在节目的最后再揭晓答案。在继续讨论之前,先来研究一下到底什么是素食主义者? Catherine: Here's Tom Kuehnel from the Vegan Society in the UK. 来听听英国严格素食主义协会的汤姆·克纳尔是怎么说的。 Veganism is a way of living which excludes, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation and cruelty to animals. 素食主义是一种生活方式,在切实可行的范围内尽可能避免用不正当手段利用动物或者虐待动物。 So that's for food, clothing or any other purpose. So we just don't want to use or abuse animals. 其中包括把动物做成食物、衣服或其他目的。所以我们只是不想利用或者虐待动物。 And we feel like there, you know, there are plenty of alternatives in this day and age. It's never been easier to be vegan. 在现今这个时代,我们其实有很多其他选择。要想成为一名素食主义者并不难。 Neil: Of course, he says that avoiding cruelty to animals is what it's all about, but that doesn't just mean food. 当然,他说素食主义其实就是避免虐待动物,而把动物当作食物只是其中的一个方面。 Neil: If you're a true vegan, then clothing from animals is also out — no more leather shoes! 如果你是一名真正的素食主义者,那就不能穿用动物做成的衣物,也不能穿皮鞋了! Catherine: But he feels that it's easier than ever before to become vegan — and uses a nice phrase: "in this day and age". 他觉得现在做一名素食主义者比以前更容易了——并且用了一个不错的短语:“in this day and age”。 Neil: Yes. It means 'these days', or 'in the present time' — and is often used to highlight a contrast with a previous time. 是的。它的意思是“现在”——强调与之前作对比。 Catherine: So, many people go vegan for ethical reasons. Now ethical is a useful word, it means 'relating to moral beliefs'. 所以,很多人出于道德原因而成为了素食主义者。“ethical”是一个很实用的词,它的意思是“与道德信仰有关”。 Catherine: So if you become vegan for ethical reasons, you do it because you think it's wrong to eat or use animal products. 所以如果你出于道德原因而成为了素食主义者,那就是说你认为食用或使用动物产品是不对的。 Neil: Others go vegan because of environmental considerations, as we looked at earlier. 其他一些人是因为考虑到环境因素才成为了素食主义者,就像我们刚才所说的一样。 Neil: Rearing livestock — that means animals like cows and pigs — produces a lot of harmful methane gas. 饲养牛和猪等牲畜会制造出很多有害的甲烷气体。 Neil: Now, let's just say the animals themselves produce a lot of it from their bodies. The other major reason to choose veganism… 这样说吧,动物自身会产生很多有害物。所以人们选择素食主义的另一个主要原因是… Catherine: Veganism — now, that's the noun for a vegan diet. 素食主义——这是素食主义饮食的名词形式。 Neil: is because they believe it is healthier. 是因为他们认为这更健康。 Catherine: In the research from Oxford University we mentioned earlier, scientists found that 8 million deaths per year could be avoided if the world went vegan. 在之前我们提到的牛津大学的研究中,科学家发现,如果全世界的人们都成为素食主义者的话,那么每年的死亡人数将减少800万。 Neil: Now, that's human deaths. They claim that half of this figure would be because we no longer eat red meat, 这是死亡人数。他们声称其中一半人得以存活是因为我们不再吃吃红色肉类, Neil: and the other half would be due to eating more healthy fruit and vegetables — as well as fewer people being overweight. 另一半人得以存活则是因为我们吃的是更健康的水果和蔬菜——而且超重的人数也会更少。 Catherine: And they say that this would have an economic impact too. 他们说这也会给经济带来影响。 Catherine: They suggest that up to USD1,000bn a year would be saved due to reduced healthcare costs and increased productivity at work. 他们指出,由于医疗费用的减少和工作效率的提高,每年能节省多达1万亿美元。 Catherine: Because fewer people would get sick. 因为生病人数会减少。 Neil: So, if it's all so simple — why don't we all go vegan tomorrow? 如果这么简单,为什么我们不明天就成为素食主义者呢? Catherine: Well, meat—eating is an important part of most cultures — not everyone wants to change. 吃肉是很多文化的重要组成部分——并不是所有人都想改变这一文化。 Neil: And millions of people worldwide raise livestock for a living. 而且,世界上有数百万人靠畜牧生存。 Catherine: So these jobs would disappear. Now, with up to a third of the planet estimated to be arid — which means dry and unable to support crops. 那样的话,这些工作就会消失。地球上估计有三分之一的土地是贫瘠的——干旱、农作物无法生长。 Catherine: People living in these regions rely on livestock, so people for example like the Berbers in the Sahara region. 生活在这些地区的人们以畜牧为生,例如撒哈拉地区的柏柏尔人. Neil: Without animal farming they would be forced to abandon traditional nomadic lifestyles — that's where they move from place to place — and settle in cities. 没有了畜牧业,他们就被迫放弃传统的游牧生活方式——定期迁移的生活方式,然后在城市定居。 Catherine: And for many people, well, they just like eating meat and dairy. 很多人就喜欢吃肉和乳制品。 Neil: We asked you about well—known vegans: which of these is vegan? a) Brad Pitt, b) Jennifer Lopez or c) Miley Cyrus? 我们的问题与有名的素食主义者有关:下面哪个人是素食主义者?a)布拉德·皮特, b) 詹妮佛·洛佩茨还是c)麦莉·赛勒斯? Catherine: And I said it was Miley Cyrus. 我选的是麦莉·赛勒斯。 Neil: Well, you're kind of half right, Catherine. In fact, both Brad Pitt and Miley Cyrus are vegan. 你答对了一半,凯瑟琳。实际上,布拉德·皮特和麦莉·赛勒斯都是素食主义者。 Catherine: Jennifer Lopez used to be, but has since started eating meat again, apparently. 詹妮佛·洛佩茨曾经是,但显然她又重新开始吃肉了。 Neil: Now, why don't we wrap up by looking at today's vocabulary one more time? 在节目结束之前,我们何不再来复习一遍今天学到的词汇? Neil: Well — we started with emissions: gases produced by something or an activity such as digestion. 我们从emissions开始:某些东西或者某种活动产生的气体,例如消化。 Neil: Livestock emissions for example — are gases produced by animals. 例如牲畜排放是动物产生的气体。 Catherine: We can also add a word that describes a kind of emissions, like methane emissions or greenhouse gas emissions. 我们还可以再加上一个词来描述某一种排放,例如甲烷排放或温室气体排放。 Neil: Next up we had in this day and age — which means 'these days'. 下一个是in this day and age——意思是“现在”。 Catherine: I still can't believe you still don't have a smartphone in this day and age, Neil. 我仍然无法相信你现在没有一个智能手机,尼尔。 Neil: Well, maybe I just object to smartphones for ethical reasons! 也许我是出于道德原因而反对智能手机! Catherine: So you have for moral reasons to smartphones? 所以你反对智能手机是出于道德原因? Neil: Yeah, for me it's important to understand the conditions of the workers in the factory where the smartphone is made. 是的,对于我来说,重要的是要了解在智能手机生产工厂里的工人们的工作环境。 Catherine: That's fair enough then. But, Neil, you haven't become vegan yet for ethical reasons, have you? 有道理。但是,尼尔,你没有因为道德原因而成为素食主义者,不是吗? Neil: You've got me there — I admire veganism but I still like cheese too much to do it! Veganism is the noun. 你说的对。虽然我欣赏素食主义,但我还是太喜欢芝士了,所以我做不到!素食主义是一个名词。 Catherine: That's right. So two more words to go — we have arid and livestock. Arid describes land that is too dry to support many crops or plants. 是的,还有两个单词:arid和livestock。arid的意思是土地太干旱而无法养活庄稼或植物。 Neil: But arid regions can sometimes support livestock — livestock means farm animals. 但贫瘠地区有些时候可以养活livestock——livestock是指农场动物。 Neil: If you think of the 'stock' as being the assets of a business, then animals are 'living' or 'live' stock. 如果你把“股票”视为企业的资产,那么动物就是“活”股票。 Catherine: And that brings us to the end of today's programme. 我们今天的节目就到这里了。 Catherine: Join us on our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube pages for lots more! Let us know what you think of veganism! 欢迎大家在Facebook、Twitter、Instagram 和YouTube上收听我们的节目。