

2017-08-22    08'24''

主播: TeacherGwen

1585 92

8.22 早读 You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to. 语音讲解 单词发音 keep/kiːp/-feet /fiːt/ 对比口型: 长/i:/(美式写法为/i/)和短/ɪ/ swept /swept/ 连词发音 might be swept off /maɪtbisweptɒf/ 轻读重读 重读:keep/swept off 弱读:the/and/your/ 词汇讲解 1.keep your feet(on the ground) expression. 释义:to think in a sensible and practical way and not have ideas or aims that will be impossible to achieve 例句:She's really creative, but she also has her feet firmly on the ground. 2.sweep off phrase. 释义:扫走 例句:Sweep the crumbs off the table. 把桌上的食品屑扫掉。 supermarket sweep 超市扫荡 扫货的英语: sweep goods go on a shopping spree I went on a shopping spree after getting my scholarship money! 我那天疯狂扫货,一分钱都没留下! 拓展:feet/foot 有关的表达 ①Don't let the grass grow under one's feet 释义: to not waste time or delay starting something 劝人不要停止不前,浪费时间。 ②to stand on one's own two feet 释义:to be able to do what you need to do, earn your own money, etc without help from others 独立自主,依靠自己的意思。 例句:She’s never learned to stand on her own feet. ③to throw oneself at someone's feet 公开表示对某人的爱慕之情,或是拍马奉承、百般讨好某人。 I'm still looking for the right girl to marry. And when I find her, I'll throw myself at her feet and ask her to spend the rest of her life with me. 我现在还在物色一个我认为合适的女孩作为我的妻子。一旦我找到了,我就要拜倒在她的石榴裙下,恳求她作为我的终身伴侣。 ④sweep somebody off sb's feet 指一个人由于一件使他兴奋的事 而感到不由自主 to make someone feel suddenly and strongly attracted to you in a romantic way 例句: He was hoping to sweep her off her feet, but she just laughed. 他希望自己能一下子把她迷住,但她只是笑了笑。 My mom told me that prince charming would just come and sweep me off my feet. 我妈妈告诉我有一天白马王子会出现,并且令我倾倒。 插入此歌曲 活学活用 there's no knowing ...