

2017-08-23    07'37''

主播: TeacherGwen

1156 88

8.23 早读 Preparation can only take you so far, after that, you gotta take a few leaps of faith. 语音讲解 单词发音 preparation /ˌprepəˈreɪʃən/ leaps /liːps/ 连词发音 leaps of faith /liːpsəvfeɪθ/ 轻读重读 重读: preparation/ faith 弱读:can/of 词汇讲解 1.take verb. 释义:携带﹑ 运载或伴随某人[某物 例句:She takes her children to school by car. 她用汽车送孩子上学. She took him some flowers when she went to see him in hospital. 她带着花去医院探望他. take 用法精讲 ①拿、(以手﹑ 臂等或工具)拿, 握, 抱, 夹→错拿, 偷窃 I'll take the grey trousers, please. 劳驾, 我买这条灰色的裤子. She opened the drawer and took out a pair of socks. 她拉开抽屉, 拿出一双短袜. Someone has taken my gloves. 有人把我的手套拿走了. ②占有(某物); 夺得或赢得(某物) The army took many prisoners. 军队抓了很多俘虏. ③接受﹑接收、容纳→能忍受(某事) I'd like you to take this as a gift. 我希望你把这礼物收下. The school doesn't take girls, ie only has boys as pupils. 该校不收女生. This bus takes 60 passengers. 这公共汽车能容下60位乘客. I'm not taking any more of your insults! 我再也不能忍受你的侮辱了! ④(以某种方式)理解或解释某事 He took what she said as a compliment. 他把她的话看做是恭维/夸奖. 2.leap of faith expression. 释义:something you do even though it involves a risk, hoping that it will have a good result 例句:Ultimately, any decision involves a leap of faith. 最终任何决策涉及一个信仰的飞跃。 take a leap of faith 赌一把 信一回 放手一搏 Take a leap of faith and trust in your dreams. 做出一次信仰上的跳跃,相信自己的梦想。 推荐两首歌,歌词含有leap of faith. 插入这两个音乐 3.gotta=got to 活学活用 take a leap of faith