

2017-09-08    04'47''

主播: TeacherGwen

2124 37

每日听写9.4-9.8(选)中级迈克尔杰克逊汇总 l grew up in East Chicago, lndiana. 我在印第安纳州的东芝加哥长大 My mother and father divorced 我很小时父母就离异 when l was at a young age, about six years old. 差不多六岁时吧 My mother was Baptist. 我母亲是浸信会教友 And my sister and l sang in the Baptist choir. 而我与姊妹曾在浸信会的合唱团唱歌 lt made us have a love for music. 培养了我们对音乐的热爱 My father used to listen to the country music all the time, 我父亲以前常收听乡村音乐 and out of Chicago came a show, on the radio, 当时芝加哥有个广播节目 called Suppertime Frolic. 名叫Suppertime Frolic And then on saturdays, he would listen to the Grand Ole Opty 然后周六他会听Grand Ole Opry that came out of Nashville. 那是纳什维尔的电台 some of the people were Ernest Tubb, that's ancient. 包含了像欧内斯特·塔伯等歌手 够古老的 let me... let the people know how old l am. 泄漏了我的年龄 We had a club called the Sub-Debs. 我们成立了一个叫瑟布德丝的社团 We used to give teenage parties for all the kids around there, 常常帮附近的青少年办派对 and that's where l met Joe. 我与乔就是那时相识的 l think l was around 17 years old. 我当时应该17岁吧 He would always ask me for a dance when the music was slow. 他喜欢找我跳慢舞 He seemed very kind, very sweet. 他人很好 很贴心 Joseph was in a group. 约瑟夫当时组团 Besides me leaving singing with my sister, 我不再跟我姊妹唱歌 l started singing with him. 而跑去跟他合作 And we would sing and harmonise together a lot. 我们常一起歌唱和音 Then the children came along, and l kept singing. 生了孩子后 我还是继续在唱 2300 Jackson st, in that little house. 杰克逊街2300号的那栋小屋 l was the only one born in that house. 只有我是在那里出生 We had two bedrooms in our home. 屋子里有两间房间 And l and my sisters, Janet and La Toya, 我跟其他姊妹珍娜与拉托雅 Slept in the living room. 睡在客厅 We had a couch that let out into a bed. 我们有张沙发床 My brothers slept in one room. 所有的兄弟们睡一间 And that room had triple bunk beds. 那间房摆了三套双层床 And they slept on the bunk beds. 他们就睡那 And then my parents slept in the other room. 然后父母睡另一间卧室 l don't know how l squeezed all of us 我真不知道怎么把那么一大家子 in that little house. 安顿在那么小的屋内 Having all my children when 很年轻时就生了小孩 I was young and having them so close together, 并且那么的密集 every time l would get pregnant, l was afraid to tell Joe. 我每次怀孕 都不敢跟乔说 We didn't believe in abortion, 我们不认同堕胎 so that's why we got so many children. 所以才生了这么多孩子 The children around our neighbourhood, especially the boys, 邻居的孩子们 尤其是男孩子 they were kind of bad, some of them. 有些品性真的不好 They would break in people's cars and do things. 会偷人家的车之类的 And our children were never allowed 我们禁止孩子们 to go out at night or play with those kids. 晚上出游或是跟那些孩子们玩 They weren't really social with the rest of the neighbourhood. 他们与周遭的邻居没有什么互动 They clung to each other, 他们自己是个小团体 and that's how the Jacksons were raised. 杰克逊家的孩子就是这样长大的 Poor? I mean, that was a way of life. 贫穷? 日子就是这样 We had plenty of food to eat. 我们从来不会没饭吃 We were like all the other kids in the area. 我们就跟附近的孩子们一样 Michael never thought he was poor when he was young, 迈克尔小时候从不曾觉得自己家境不好 because he did not know what poor was. 因为他根本不知贫穷为何物 He thought everyone lived the way his family did. 他一直认为所有人的家庭都跟他家一样 We had a rickety washing machine. 我们有台破洗衣机 We weren't able to buy a new one. 但没有钱换新的 Whenever it washed, it would creak. You know, make noises... 每次洗衣服时都叽喀作响 something like that. 类似这样 And Michael, l guess, was about 11 or 12 months old. 迈克尔差不多11到12个月时 He was just dancing to the rhythm of the washing machine. 开始随着洗衣机的声响起舞 And l knew then that he had a lot of rhythm. 我当时就发现他很有节奏感 Michael would always do funny things, anything for a laugh. 迈克尔总是会为了博君一笑 而做些很搞笑的事 Anything for a laugh. 只要能引人发笑 La Toya was always very persnickety 拉托雅对自己的房间 about the way she kept her room. 总是很要求 And she had this beautiful... 她那时有... l think it was a white satin bedspread that she had just gotten. 我记得好像是一床缎做的被单才刚入手 Michael took some invisible ink 迈克尔竟然拿神奇墨水 and he spread it all over the bedspread, squirted it all over. 洒得一床都是 And then he had her come in and look at it. she was livid. 然后再叫她来看 她简直气炸了 Michael used to love telling me stories about Gary, lndiana, 迈克尔以前常爱跟我说印第安纳州瑞城的事 especially how he would have a candy store, 尤其是他开糖果铺的事 and he would sell candy to all the neighbours, 卖糖果给附近的小孩 and to his brothers. 还有他的兄弟 And he never made any money doing it, 但他从来就没赚过钱 but he showed signs of being an entrepreneur at a very young age. 但在很小时就显现出企业家的风范 As kids, we had a lot of fun. 我们的童年很有趣 You know, just playing around in the neighbourhood. 每天就在附近玩 Playing practical jokes, 搞恶作剧 throwing balloons out the car windows at bus stops, 从车上对着公交车站牌扔汽球 singing and dancing to every song that came on the radio. 跟着收音机上的歌又唱又跳的