

2017-09-07    01'05''

主播: TeacherGwen

1330 36

每日听写9.8(选)中级迈克尔杰克逊 Michael would always do funny things, anything for a laugh. 迈克尔总是会为了博君一笑 而做些很搞笑的事 Anything for a laugh. 只要能引人发笑 La Toya was always very persnickety 拉托雅对自己的房间 about the way she kept her room. 总是很要求 And she had this beautiful... 她那时有... l think it was a white satin bedspread that she had just gotten. 我记得好像是一床缎做的被单才刚入手 Michael took some invisible ink 迈克尔竟然拿神奇墨水 and he spread it all over the bedspread, squirted it all over. 洒得一床都是 And then he had her come in and look at it. she was livid. 然后再叫她来看 她简直气炸了 Michael used to love telling me stories about Gary, lndiana, 迈克尔以前常爱跟我说印第安纳州瑞城的事 especially how he would have a candy store, 尤其是他开糖果铺的事 and he would sell candy to all the neighbours, 卖糖果给附近的小孩 and to his brothers. 还有他的兄弟 And he never made any money doing it, 但他从来就没赚过钱 but he showed signs of being an entrepreneur at a very young age. 但在很小时就显现出企业家的风范 As kids, we had a lot of fun. 我们的童年很有趣 You know, just playing around in the neighbourhood. 每天就在附近玩 You know, Playing practical jokes, 搞恶作剧 throwing balloons out the car windows at bus stops, 从车上对着公交车站牌扔汽球 singing and dancing to every song that came on the radio. 跟着收音机上的歌又唱又跳的
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