

2017-09-20    06'04''

主播: TeacherGwen

4701 197

9.20 早读 The more I think about things, the more I see no rhyme or reason in life. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ → 语音讲解 单词发音 rhyme/raɪm/ 连词发音 more I /mɔːraɪ/ think about things /θɪŋkəˈbaʊθɪŋz/ 轻读重读 重读:things/rhyme/reason 弱读:the/or 词汇讲解 1.rhyme noun. 释义:a short poem or song, especially for children, using words that rhyme rhyme&rhythm辨析 rhyme是韵,强调音的相似性。 (韵律) 在“韵文”里,用同一个“韵”的字放在句尾,使之产生一种声音回环的和谐感,这就叫“押韵”。由于押韵的字放在句末,所以又叫“韵脚”。押韵时可以每句都用(指句号,含叹号、问号,为一句),也可以连分句也用韵,还可以隔句或隔几句才用韵。这叫押韵方式,或称“韵律”。 比如我们的绕口令版块有很多英文押韵诗:点击回顾(the bottle of)。 nursery rhyme 儿歌 童谣 例句:This nursery rhyme is very familiar to me. 我对这首摇篮曲很熟悉。 rhythm是节奏、韵律,强调音的规律性。(节奏) 例如:Rhythm of the rain: listen to the rhythm of the falling rain 雨中的旋律 放这首歌 2.no rhyme or reason/without rhyme or reason expression. 毫无意义; 不可理解;毫无逻辑→没道理 释义:if there is no rhyme or reason why something happens, there is no obvious explanation for it 例句:I don't know what makes her behave like that. There's no rhyme or reason to it. 真不知道她为什么那么做,根本没有任何理由啊。 There's no rhyme or reason to this game. 这游戏毫无逻辑可言。 注意,如果要说某事没有道理,应用to来连接,比如 There's no rhyme or reason to it. 3.the more/less...the more/less...越…越…(两事物按同一程度变化) The more I got to know him, the better I like him.越了解他越喜欢他。 The more you forget.the less you know. 你越忘记.你知道越少. 活学活用 the more/less...the more/less...