

2017-10-10    01'06''

主播: TeacherGwen

1377 40

每日听写10.4(选)高级苹果在中国与腾讯的应用之战 That does not bode well for a key market. 在这一关键市场中,这并不是一个好兆头。 Apple&`&s revenues in greater China have nearly doubled since 2013, to $48.5bn in 2016, thanks in part to its mainland app store. 2013年以来,苹果公司在中国的收益几乎翻了一番,2016年,达到485亿美元,在某种程度上,这得益于大陆的应用商店。 App Annie, a research firm, reckons it is the world&`&s biggest Apple app store, as measured by revenue. 从收益上来说,Annie(一家研究型软件公司)认为大陆得苹果应用商店是全球最大的。 But Apple&`&s results for the first quarter of the year showed total sales falling by some 14% in greater China compared with a year ago, the fifth consecutive quarter of decline. 在今年的第一季度,苹果在中国的业绩与去年相比较下降了14%,销售额连续五个季度下降。 Canalys, a market-research firm, estimates that shipments of iPhones on the mainland plunged by a quarter in the first quarter. 一家市场研究公司Canalys估计,苹果在大陆的出货量会在第一季度减少四分之一。 Hostilities have now broken out with Tencent. 现在,苹果公司已对腾讯有所不满。 The two had co-existed happily: since richer Chinese prefer iPhones to Android phones, these devices are where WeChat made much of its money. 腾讯和苹果之前愉快地和平相处。尽管相比安卓手机来说,中国的有钱人更喜欢苹果手机,不过微信都能从这些手机中获利。 But earlier this year, WeChat launched “mini-programmes,” a form of lightweight app that operates independently of Apple&`&s app store and robs it of revenues. 但是,今年早期,微信推出了微小应用“小程序”,这些小程序可以独立于苹果软件商店运行,这抢走了苹果公司的利润。