

2017-11-10    08'10''

主播: TeacherGwen

6550 229

11.10 早读 I'm gonna take all this negativity and use it as fuel and I'm gonna find a silver lining. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 语音讲解 单词发音 gonna /ˈɡɒnə, ɡənə $ ˈɡɒːnə, ɡənə/ negativity /ˌneɡəˈtɪvəti/ fuel /ˈfjuːəl/ silver /ˈsɪlvə $ -ər/ 连词发音 use it as /juːzɪtəz/ and I'm gonna find a /əndaɪmɡənəfaɪndə/ 轻读重读 重读:negativity/fuel/silver lining 弱读:I’m/gonna/this/and/as/a 词汇讲解 1.negativity noun. negative-positive 释义:an attitude in which someone considers only the bad qualities of a situation, person etc, not the good ones消极的,否认的; 例句: The news from overseas is overwhelmingly negative 来自海外的消息特别不容乐观。 2.fuel noun. 释义:燃料 run out of fuel 燃料用尽 例句:By now the plane was running out of fuel 现在,这架飞机的燃料快用完了。 请看run out of fuel 词组在电影《阿波罗13号》中的应用: I know I’m running out of fuel, so I'm thinking about ditching into the ocean. (我知道飞船没燃料了,所以我想把它扔进海里。) ditch的用法在往期的《每日口语积累》栏目中讲过,点我跳转回顾。 抽象含义:刺激物→给...加油、激起 例句: The decision to raise tariffs on imports will only add fuel to the fire. 上调进口关税的决定只会火上浇油。(火上浇油→add fuel to the fire) 拓展:去国外加油站说“帮我给车加满油”可以说 Fill it up, please./Refill my car, please. 3.silver lining expression. 释义:(不幸或失望中的) 一线希望 有句谚语叫 Every cloud has a silver lining,苦难就像cloud(乌云)遮住了阳光,silver lining(银色的光线)终会冲破乌云,再次让一切变得光明。所以,这句话意味着熬过困难,就会有拨云见日的那一天。 活学活用 use...as...
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