

2018-04-25    08'20''

主播: TeacherGwen

6789 228

4.25 早读 I want you to gain the intelligence of spending time wisely, because while you're killing time, time is killing you. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: 1. gain 注意练习双元音/eɪ/的过渡。尤其注意第一个元音/e/的口形,不要过大,也不要过小。 2. wise while 注意练习双元音/aɪ/的过渡。 言之有物 1. 词链儿: gain intelligence of doing XX 获得做XX的智慧 gain XX of doing somethinng 2. 词链儿: spend your time wisely 明智的利用时间 拓展 take time& spend time的区别 都是花费时间 一般主语不是人: It took me 3 hours to get there. 通常主语是人:I should spend some time with my family. 3. 词链儿: kill time 打发时间; 消遣——本句意为“浪费时间” We have three hours to wait. let's go to the movie to kill time. 我们要等三个小时,让我们去看场电影来消磨时间吧。