

2017-10-25    03'55''

主播: AprilAir

98 2

Winston Churchill to His Daughter My darling Mary,  “Many Happy Returns of the Day.” This should reach you on your Birthday the 15th. But if it comes earlier or later it carries with it the fondest love of your Father. I have watched with admiration and respect the career of distinction and duty what you have made for yourself during the hard years of the war. I look forward in the days that may be left me to see you happy and glorious in peace. You are a great joy to your mother and me and we are hoping that very soon you will be living with us at Chart well and in our new house in London. It will be lovely having you with us.   Here it is sunshine and calm. I paint all day and every day and have banished care and disillusionment to the shades. Alex came and painted too. He is very good. Monsieur Montag is coming to comment and guide me in a few days. I have three nice pictures so far, and am now to seek for another. Sarah is writing you herself.   With all my affection. Your loving Father Winston S. Churchill 丘吉尔给女儿玛丽的一封信   亲爱的玛丽:  “祝你生日快乐,年年有今日,岁岁有今朝!”这封信应该可以在15号你生日那天到达你手中,但不管它早到或是晚到,都带着你父亲最深情的爱。我一直带着赞赏与尊重的目光看待你在艰苦的战争岁月中为自己所创立的非凡的业绩和承担的职责。在我有生之年,我期待看到你在和平的日子里过的幸福辉煌。你是你母亲与我的巨大快乐,我们期盼着很快你就能和我们在查特维尔庄园和伦敦的新居共同生活。有你同我们在一起一定会很好。   这里阳光灿烂,一片宁静。我整天作画,每天如此,这让我的烦恼和阴影一扫而光。亚历克斯也到这里来画画,他人很好。蒙塔格先生过几天会来给我点评与指导。到目前为止,我已经成了三幅出色的画作。现在我开始为另一幅作品寻找题材。此时,萨拉正在亲自写信给你。   献上我所有的爱 。 爱你的父亲 温思特·丘吉尔