1. Which F button highlights the address bar of your browser on internet explorer?
a) F3
b) f5
c) f6
d) f7
2. What does Ctrl+ home do on a windows operating system Microsoft word document?
a) goes to the beginning of the current line you are typing
b) goes to the beginning of the document
c) Highlights your current position to the end of the line
d) Prints the current page or document
3.What shortcut is used to add a bullet point on a windows word document?
a) Ctrl +.
b) ctrl + alt + space bar
c) Ctrl +8
d) ctrl + shit+ L
4. What does Ctrl + D do when using Microsoft explorer?
a) saves the page to favorites
b) deletes your search history
c) Refreshes the page
d) Closes windows explorer
5. In Microsoft Excel what button opens the formula window?
a) Shift + F3
b) F6
c) Ctrl+Alt+ Delete
d) Ctrl+ Space
6. On an Apple computer which two buttons repeat your last find operation?
a) CMD + F
b) CMD + G
c) CMD + p
d) F + Y+ H