1) After success of the hit animated film Aladdin, which animated film did Robin Williams also star in?
a) Happy feet
b) A Bugs Life
c) Toy Story 3
d) Finding Nemo
2) Which of the following was Robin Williams most popular stand up performance?
a) An evening with Robin Williams (1982),
b) Robin Williams: At The Met (1986)
c) Robin Williams LIVE on Broadway (2002).
d) Weapons of Self-Destruction (2008).
3) What was the last ever TV show to star Robin Williams?
a) The big bang theory
b) Modern family
c) The crazy ones
d) 24 hours: Live another day
4) In 1999, Robin Williams sang on a BBC inspired celebrity cover of Rolling Stones hit 'it's only Rock and Roll' for the charity Children Promise. What language did he sing the song in?
a) French
b) Spanish
c) Russian
d) Dutch
5) Robin Williams is well-known for his comedic work. But he has also done many serious, darker films as well. In which films did Robin Williams play a writer/killer?
a) Insomnia (2002)
b) Dead poets society (1989)
c) The fisher King (1991)
d) Good Will Hunting (1997)