“high as a kite”是什么意思?

“high as a kite”是什么意思?

2014-08-20    08'00''

主播: 英语直播间

12086 87

BARFLY I used to be a barfly until I kicked the habit. Jason is quite the barfly. The bar I was at last weekend was filled with barflies – and I don't mean just the insects. MEANING: a person who spends much time in a bar or similar drinking establishment A bar fly is a person who spends a lot of time drinking in different bars and pubs. ETYMOLOGY: Bar + fly Bar: a place where people drink alcohol Fly: the kind of insect you see everywhere, especially at bars that aren't very clean because there is so much spilt beer everywhere. So a barfly evokes the image of a fly that hangs around a dirty bar. Thus a barfly is a person that spend too much time at bars. HIGH AS A KITE It's illegal to get high as a kite. Check out that guy. He looks high as a kite. After smoking a fat joint, Mr. Chan felt high as a kite. MEANING: Very much under the influence of drugs, extremely high. If someone's as high as a kite, it means they have had too much to drink or are under the influence of drugs. ETYMOLOGY: "high" is a word that is used to refer to someone that is on drugs. "kites" are fun toys that fly very high in the sky. Especially in China where you can see people flying kites at what seem like insanely high altitudes compared to what I'm used to seeing. So, to be high as a kite, means to be very, very high. Ie. To be very strongly feeling the effects of whatever drug one is taking. PUT THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT! 1 Well, I'm not going to do what you want, so put that in your pipe and smoke it! 1 I'm sick of you, and I'm leaving. Put that in your pipe and smoke it! 2 Well, I'm going anyway, so put that in your pipe and smoke it! MEANING: 1. See how you like that!; It is final, and you have to live with it. 2. an impolite way of telling someone that they must accept what you have just said even if they do not like it ETYMOLOGY: It's a funny and impolite way of telling someone to deal with something because the speaker is associating the listener with drug use. The thing that the speaker is metaphorically telling someone to "smoke" is the thing that the speaker is telling someone to deal with.