1) Go off Half-Cocked
Before his big court case, David's lawyers advised him not to go off half-cocked.
During their break up John and Sophie both went off half-cocked.
Tom is always getting into trouble because he is going off half-cock"
Meaning: Speak Without Thinking
Etymology: From the days of flintlock and caplock firearms, where the half-cock position of the hammer was both a rudimentary safety, and the proper position for priming the pan or inserting a percussion cap. The phrase was originally rendered, "to go off at half-cock."
2) A rolling stone gathers no moss
David accredits his creative writing to his lifestyle and that a rolling stone gathers no moss.
Jill has such a free lifes, travelling the world, she is like a rolling stone that gathers no moss.
Bill loves being a pilot, mainly because a rolling stone gathers no moss.
Meaning: People who are always moving, do not become stagnant and always have fresh ideas and their life stays interesting.
Etymology: A rolling stone gathers no moss is an old proverb, credited to Publilius Syrus, who in his Sententiae states, People who are always moving, with no roots in one place, avoid responsibilities and cares.
3) To Have a Cast Iron Stomach
The gory movie made everyone feel sick apart from fred, because he has a cast iron stomach.
I can't believe terry eats mcdonalds everyday for breakfast lunch and dinner, he must have a cast iron stomach.
Sarah needs to be really carefull with her diet because she does not have a cast iron stomach.
Meaning: a very strong stomach that can withstand bad food or anything nauseating
Etymology: Iron is strong and able to withstand a lot of punishment.
Cast Iron: A very hard brittle alloy of iron and carbon. It is also means to be firm and unchangeable.