1)Use your Loaf
-Tom stays out of trouble by using his loaf
-Jim decided to use his loaf and save up for a house.
-Jane was going to go gambling but then she decided to use her loaf and stay home.
Use your brain, to have common sense
the phrase to use your loaf is derived from the cockney rhyming slang for head which is loaf of bread.
2)Cast the first stone
-After the shop owner realized the register was short changed and he questioned his employees they all wanted to jump in and cast the first stone.
-Sarah cast the first stone after being questioned about bullying one of the students in her school.
-When a group of six friends were caught stealing, john cast the first stone and blamed his friend
to make the first accusation, used when the initial critic is entirely blameless.
stone means blame, imagine if a group of people decided to write the name of the person they blame on a stone and then the person who was blamed the most would be considered guilty. There is a popular game based on this in China called "sha ren you xi"
3)Dry Run
-NASA decided to have a dry run the day before their space launch.
-The director demanded a dry run the morning before the live show.
-Thomas decided to do a dry run at home before attempting his maths exam.
It is a testing process where the effects of a possible failure are intentionally mitigated.
In computer programming, a dry run is a mental run of a computer program, where the computer programmer examines the source code one step at a time and determines what it will do when run