Cheesed off 是什么意思?

Cheesed off 是什么意思?

2014-09-15    10'10''

主播: 英语直播间

14373 149

1) Botch Job/ Botching something The latest project by the company was a complete botch job. Simon felt so bad after botching up his final exams. After the huge botch job last week, david was fired from his company. Meaning: There are two expressions here - to botch something up or to do a botch job. They both mean that the work done was not of a high standard or was a clumsy patch. Etymology: British - The word Botch originally means to carry something out badly. 2) Chin Wag Every time Sarah and Jenny meet up they have a long chin Wag. Tim and his mum have a really good relationship, everytime he goes home they have a chin wag. Ben needs to spend more time studying and less time chin wagging with his friends. Meaning: This is another word for a Chat. Etymology: British origin, derived from the chin constantly moving when someone speaks. 3) Cheesed off I was so cheesed off when my favorite basketball team lost their last game. Tina was cheesed of with her mum for looking at her phone Fred was cheesed off with Tony for stealing from him Meaning: Angry Etymology:Previous British phrases for expressing anger were rather rude and vulgar, cheesed off was implemented to be a more polite way of saying someone is angry.