Cool your jets是什么意思?

Cool your jets是什么意思?

2014-09-22    07'44''

主播: 英语直播间

4187 158

1) Part of the Furniture -Jim has been teaching so long every time I go to the school he is like part of the furniture. -David has been working in that office so long he is like part of the furniture. -Ben moved in with Brian five years ago, now he seems like part of the furniture. Meaning: If someone or something is part of the furniture of a place, they have been there for so long that they seem a natural part of it. Etymology: People don't regularly change the furniture in their homes, so guests associate the furniture with the memory of their home. 2) Cool your Jets -Tim was angry with Jessica for leaving him but his friends advised him to cool his jets before he did anything rash. -Ryan was really unsettled about his exams later that day so he classmates told him to cool his jets. -Thomas was upset about getting a pay cut but he decided to cool his jets before discussing with his boss. Meaning: If someone is angry or unsettled, telling them to cool their jets means they should calm down. Etymology: cooling the gets on a plane stops it from moving. 3) take a potshot at someone or something -Bill's co-workers took potshots at him for being fat. -Jenny was tired of her friends for taking potshots at her new haircut. -A lot of people took potshots at fred for drinking too much. Meaning: to criticize or censure someone or something, often just to be mean. Etymology: to shoot at someone or something, as with a shotgun. (A potshot refers to the type of shooting done to provide meat for the cooking pot.)