

2014-09-23    07'55''

主播: 英语直播间

5220 174

1) Dripping with Sarcasm -Lisa hated the Transformers movie but told that guy that she thought that it might win every single Academy Award. Everything she says is dripping with sarcasm. -Jimmy had both legs broken in a terrible car crash. When asked how he felt about it, his words were dripping with sarcasm. "It was the most fun I've had since my parents got divorced," he said, dryly. -My son loves going to the dentist, said Molly, her words dripping with sarcasm. Meaning: When a person's words are dripping with sarcasm, that person is being extremely sarcastic. Etymology: When something (like a sponge) is so full or saturated with water or oil, it can't contain it all. When a person's words are dripping with sarcasm, it's like their words are also completely saturated with sarcasm, and it's dripping out. 2) Take a hike! -You really expect me to work your overtime shift for you on a Friday night? Take a hike! -You want to borrow $100 from me? Take a hike! -Nancy wants to copy your test answers? Tell her to take a hike! Meaning: If a person is incredulous about a suggestion, saying "Take a hike" is like a dismissal of that person's idea. Eymology: Saying "Take a hike" is the equivalent of "Get lost." It basically means that the speaker wants somebody to leave the immediate area, probably NOW. 3) Between a rock and a hard place -You have to choose between your husband or your job? You're really between a rock and a hard place. -Their 25-year-old son has to start paying rent to them, or move out. He thinks he's between a rock and a hard place. -If Xiao Fei goes to work in the city, she'll never see her baby girl. But if she stays living with her family, she'll never be able to send her daughter to a good school. She's caught between a rock and a hard place. Meaning: If you are caught between a rock and a hard place, you have to choose between two difficult or unpleasant options. Eymology: The saying originated in America, in the 1930s. Some people believe that it came from mineworkers were faced with a choice between harsh and underpaid work at the rock-face on the one hand and unemployment and poverty on the other.