

2014-10-07    08'21''

主播: 英语直播间

3034 225

Washed up The washed up actress was not sure what to do with her life. The washed up professional basketball player took a job as a school gym teacher. The rough and uncontrolled lifestyle Tina lead was the cause of her becoming the washed up singer he is today Meaning: no longer effective or successful Etymology: At the end of a day's work a factory worker usually washes his hands. From the motion of washing hands after finishing a job came the expression 'all washed up,' finished with anything, which led to its later meaning of a business failure, finished with everything, or anything that has become obsolete and unfashionable. The expression dates back to the early 1920s Joe Blow A famous TV celebrity decided to go to a small local restaurant for dinner, so he could be around a couple of regular Joe Blows. Tina wanted to marry someone special and not just a standard Joe Blow Tevelvision today is geared to your average joe blow. Meaning: a name for a hypothetical average man. known as Joe Bloggs in Britian. The surname is also often omitted. Etymology: 1935-40, Americanism; was considered a very common middle class name in the United States. Haymaker Fred's boss is very disrespectful towards him, so he wanted to give him a haymaker. Ted gave john a haymaker for his kissing her girlfriend. The boxing match was over too quickly; one of the boxers was knocked out with a haymaker. Meaning: a forceful blow/attack Etymology: A haymaker punch is a wide swinging punch where you put shoulder power and your weight into it much like using a scythe that is used to cut hay.