

2014-10-13    08'02''

主播: 英语直播间

14197 157

1)Last legs -Daniel knew his phone was on its last legs after he dropped it. -Tina's oven was on its last legs after the big Christmas dinner she cooked. -Jim's computer was on its last legs. Meaning: worn out, tired, run down, and ready to die or otherwise cease working. 2) The final leg -When we went to watch the grand prix formula one race, it was so exciting when the drivers shot past us on the final leg of the race. -Tim was really happy when he got to the final leg of his report. -Jeff has been working really hard recently, but he is finally on the final leg of his exams. Meaning: at the end of a project, event or activity. 3)A leg up -Speaking Chinese gave Tom a real leg up on the competition. -Bill's dad was a mathematician so he had a leg up on his classmates. -Using the best cosmetic products gave Tina a leg up on the competition in the modeling industry. Meaning: an advantage