1) Smart Alec
-Morris thinks anyone who can identify the country of origin of wine from a single sniff are smart Alecs
-The social commentator who tweets on every new trend is kind of a smart Alec
-Jasmine thought her colleague who lectured her on fashion sense was a smart Alec
Definition: a person who is arrogant on technical ability
Etymology: Derived from a man named Alec Hoag, He was a criminal who corrupted cops. But when he didn't pay up. He ended up in jail. The cops then said to him. Not a smart Alec now are you
3) Out of the woods
-Although Jack's cancer went into remission, he was not out of the woods yet.
-Although Kimmy escaped her house that was being burglarized she was not out of the woods yet.
-James' family were finally out of the woods when they drove to a safer part of town.
Definition: emerge from dangerous situation
Etymology: From being in the woods
3) All the rage
-After the singer wore sapphire earrings, they became all the rage
-The new Grand Theft Auto game is all the rage among the video gamers
-K-Pop was all the rage among the Chinese youth for a few years.
Definition: Being very popular at the moment
Etymology: Burning desire and furious intensity all derive from rage